Chapter 9

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Zenitsu climbed the window in shame.He turned into human form and closed the window with all his strength.He wasn't very strong.

Zenitsu looked at the earrings Tanjiro left him.He was so nice and caring.He decided to try them on.

He went inside Tanjiro's bathroom and looked in the mirror.He grabbed one and put it on one of his ears.

He winced in pain after stabbing the earring in his ear.He hesitantly grabbed the other and did the same.

Once he was done he looked back up at the mirror.He looked pretty weird when he saw that the earrings were hanging above his head.

He facepalmed and was about to take them out until someone walked in.

"Zenitsu??You in her-"Tanjiro paused as he saw the weird scene.

(I tried my best to draw)


Zenitsu with earrings

Zenitsu with earrings

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Tanjiro's reaction

Yes this is how I draw Tanjiro

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Yes this is how I draw Tanjiro.I tried my best.idk how to draw him.

I suck at digital art ok.


"I know I look weird..."Zenitsu said as he tried to cover his blush with strands of his hair.

If Tanjiro was being honest,yeah,it was weird.But it was a good kind of weird.He thought it was cute.Tanjiro only blushed.Was he actually having a crush on this boy?

"No... it's looks cute.."Tanjiro said while scratching his cheek sheepishly.

There was a really awkward silence.

"Anyways,I need to do my homework,uh,see ya!"Tanjiro said awkwardly.

"No wait!"Zenitsu shouted.

"Yeah..?"Tanjiro turned around.

"Mind if I watch you?"Zenitsu asked.

Tanjiro nodded,"Oh um yeah it's no problem"He smiled.

Zenitsu returned the smile and he sat in one of the spinning chairs and spinning around.While Tanjiro just focused on his homework.

Zenitsu pushed his chair towards Tanjiro.He peeked over his shoulder and observed the taller male.


I'm sorry for updating at like 12:43 a.m but LIKE-

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