Chapter 17

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They spilt up with their partners.Zenitsu and Nezuko were both super excited.Their seats were locked and then the ride started.Their seats started spinning.

The spider legs were moving up and down slowly.Some people were screaming while others put their hands up in the air while shouting "Woo-Hoo!"

"This is so much fun!Right Zenitsu!"Nezuko shouted at him while she enjoyed the breeze.

"Yeah it's really fun!"Zenitsu said to her.

Zenitsu looked everyone enjoying the ride.But Zenitsu looked at where Kanao and Tanjiro were.Kanao looked very afraid and was clinging on to Tanjiro,While Tanjiro was smiling awkwardly and was desperate to enjoy the ride.

What was this feeling?Zenitsu felt a bit, What's the word?

He was feeling jealous.

The ride stopped and Nezuko was whining on how she didn't want it to end.

Zenitsu decided he was actually going to tell Kanao.

"Hey guys would it be okay if I could talk to Kanao for a moment?"Zenitsu said.

"Oh....sure..."Nezuko said.She was getting a bit suspicious.

Zenitsu and Kanao walked off to a place with a bunch of trees.They were standing in the shadows.

Once they left Nezuko looked at Tanjiro,she had a worried look on her face.

"Hey Tanjiro,I think we should go follow them,I'm getting a suspicious vibe.."Nezuko said.

"Me too.."Tanjiro said while nodding.

The went after them,But they made sure to be careful and they hid in the bushes,Getting a perfect view of the two.

"Okay so...Kanao...The truth is.."Zenitsu said.He sighed.

Zenitsu let out his ears and tail pop out.

"I am a wolf..."He said.

Kanao fake gasped.She already knew he was a wolf.

They both stayed silent.

"Zenitsu...I appreciate you for telling me this,And I actually kind of enjoyed our time together...but..."Kanao said.

Zenitsu looked at her with a confused face,unsure on what about she was going to say and do.

She took out a katana that someone named Muichiro gave her to stay wolfs.

Zenitsu's eyes widened.

Tanjiro and Nezuko were shocked that Kanao had a katana,Tanjiro wanted to go stop her but Nezuko told him to stay back and observe a little more.


Kanao walked over to the frightened Zenitsu,She had a psycho look on her face.

Then she...

Then she...

Then she stabbed Zenitsu in the heart.

"ZENITSU!!!!!!!"Tanjiro and Nezuko shouted and jumped out of the bushes.


Cliffhanger haha.I'm sorry I had to make you all depressed there.If it even was sad ._.

A wolf in the forest (TanZen){COMPLETED☑️}Where stories live. Discover now