Chapter 16

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Tanjiro came back home the other day.He opened the door to his room,but he didn't see Zenitsu there.He started to panic and checked in Nezuko's room.He let out a sigh of relief as he saw Nezuko and Zenitsu talking on the floor,on the carpet.

"Oh Tanjiro you're back!I missed you so much!"Zenitsu said and ran up to Tanjiro and hugged him.

Tanjiro felt himself blush,but hugged back.

Zenitsu let go and went back to sit down with Nezuko.

"Say,Do you guys want to hangout with Kanao and I?She invited me to hangout and she said I could bring you guys"Tanjiro said.

"Sure!"Nezuko and Zenitsu both said.

-Time skip brought to you by Killua intruding into my story-

"We finally made it!"Tanjiro said.

The trio turned their heads every direction,Trying to find Kanao.

"There you guys are!"Kanao shouted from a distance,she ran up to them.

"So where do you guys want to go?"Kanao asked.

"We should go to an amusement park!"Nezuko suggested.

"Good idea,I know a really fun amusement park around here"Kanao said and started walking off,The others following behind her.

They walked for a short while until they finally arrived.

"So which ride do you want to go first?"Kanao asked.

"We should go on that one,Um, What's the name?"Nezuko said.She moved a little closer to the ride.

"Oh it's called the spider,We should go on it!"Nezuko said. (OMG KURAPIKA NO HE GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT RIDE CUZ ITZ A SPIDER-)

"Wow,it looks like a really fun ride, Let's go!"Zenitsu smiled.

The four got in line.

"It's looks like it can fit 2 or 3 people in one seat, There's four of us so..."Tanjiro said,looking at all the people riding the spider.

"That means we need to pick partners,I'll go with Tanjiro and Nezuko and Zenitsu go together"Kanao said.

The rest nodded in agreement.

That's not fair...I wanted to go with Tanjiro...

"Zenitsu are you okay?"Nezuko asked,poking his shoulder.

"Yeah,I'm perfectly fine"Zenitsu smiled at her.

"Oh okay,I was worried"Nezuko said.

"Oh it's our turn come on let's go!"Zenitsu said.

Maybe I should really tell Kanao that I'm a wolf,she looks like she can keep a secret.


How was this chapter?Sorry that this book was on Haitus.

Also I have a person to kill with three characters.You know who you


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There.I'm sorry you must deal with this cuteness.

A wolf in the forest (TanZen){COMPLETED☑️}Where stories live. Discover now