Chapter 4

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Tanjiro woke up to falling out of his bed.

"You're finally awake"Nezuko crossed her arms as she stood in front of him.

"Nezuko-Did you-"

"Yes I pulled you out of your bed so you could wake up"Nezuko said.

Tanjiro got up and rubbed his head.

"Anyways,I need to talk to you about something"Nezuko said with a straight and serious face.

"What is it?"Tanjiro asked.

"How are we going to tell our parents about Zenitsu?And what are we going to do when we're at school?!"She said.

"Uhh..I actually don't know.."Tanjiro said.

"Come on!You're supposed to be the smart one here!"She pouted.

"Why don't we go tell them right now?"Tanjiro asked.

"We should.But first we need to go check on Zenitsu"She said.

Tanjiro nodded and the both of them headed out of the house.

"Now that I think about it...We never told Inosuke about Zenitsu"Nezuko said.

"I'll text him"Tanjiro said while taking his phone out of his pocket.

(Don't ask how they have phones ok it's fanfic xD)

Tanjiro told Inosuke to meet up with him,Nezuko climbed the tree house to check on Zenitsu.She figured he was hungry so she secretly sneaked in a bowl of rice with chopsticks.

"Zenitsu,are you hungry?"Nezuko asked.

Zenitsu only nodded.

Nezuko smiled and handed him the bowl of rice and chopsticks.

The boy's eyes sparkled and his tail went back and forth.He took the chopsticks and immediatly devoured the delicious rice.

"Thank you so much!"Zenitsu smiled brightly as a small blush appeared on his face.

"You're welcome"She smiled back.


"So you're telling me that Zenitsu has a human form?"Inosuke said in disbelief.

"Yes"Tanjiro said.

"Are you sure you're not hallucinating or anything?!"Inosuke said as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not hallucinating,I'll show you"He said as he went up the tree house.

Inosuke came behind him.


As Inosuke reached the top,He saw the human version of Zenitsu.His face turned pale white.

"AM I HALLUCINATING?!?!"Inosuke shouted.

" It's really him"Nezuko said,"Zenitsu will prove it!"She said as she looked at him.

He immediately jumped in fear"m-me?!"He squealed.

"Yeah just turn in your wolf form"Nezuko said.

Zenitsu just nodded.

Zenitsu slowly turned into the multicolored wolf that they had seen in the beginning.(I was gonna say in chapter 1 but *cough* FOURTH WALL-)

After that,Zenitsu turned back into a human.

Inosuke was still shocked,"What-How-Why-When-Where-Who-"


Hope this chapter was good.Also....

Do not ask.

A wolf in the forest (TanZen){COMPLETED☑️}Where stories live. Discover now