Chapter 6

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I'm sorry this chapter is short :(


"Okay,you both have to go to sleep early because you both have school tomorrow"Their mother said.

"But mooooom!I don't want to go!"Nezuko whined.

"You have to go.You can't stay on break forever"Their father said.

"He has a point"Tanjiro said to Nezuko.

"Fine.."She pouted,Going to her room.

Tanjiro said good night to his parents.They left into their bedroom.

"Alright Zenitsu let's-"Tanjiro paused as he didn't see the blond boy next to him.

"Zenitsu?"Tanjiro said out loud.

"Yes Tanjiro?"The soft voice of Zenitsu said.

Tanjiro turned around to find Zenitsu opening and closing the door of their fridge.

"Zenitsu what are you doing?"Tanjiro asked as he chuckled softly at the boys movements.

"I'm just investigating whatever this thing is,What is it?"Zenitsu asked as he continued to open and close it.

"Well that's a fridge.It stores food to keep it safe and secured so it won't spoil"He explained.

"WOOOW, That's cool"Zenitsu said in amazement.

"Anyways we have to go to bed,Come on!"He said while grabbing Zenitsu's wrist and dragging him towards his bedroom.

On the way there,Zenitsu decided to ask one more question before bed.

"Hey Tanjiro, What's school?"He asked.

Tanjiro opened his bedroom door and let himself and Zenitsu in and then closed it.

"Well... It's a place where you get education and learn,And it helps you get smarter and it helps you get a good career in the future,but it's very difficult"He said.

"Sounds interesting.."Zenitsu mumbled.

"Anyways,You can sleep on the left side,And I'll sleep on the right"He said.

"Tanjiro...Do you prefer my wolf form or my human form better..?"Zenitsu said in a concerned tone.He knew it would be weird if Tanjiro slept with him in human form so he asked first.

"It doesn't matter.I like both"Tanjiro complimented him as he blushed a little.

Zenitsu started blushing a lot.

"Um..Alright..."Zenitsu said,Crawling into Tanjiro's bed and went to sleep quickly.

"He's already asleep....Cute..."Tanjiro mumbled.

Tanjiro climbed into his bed and leaned over to Zenitsu,He then kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight"Tanjiro whispered as he turned to his own side and drifted off to sleep peacefully.


Hiii!!! I hope this wasn't too much of a short chapter,and I hope you really liked it.And I just really want to thank everyone for reading,voting,and commenting.I really appreciate your support :)

Also..I'm making a new book and it's a HAIKYUU fanfic and it's KageHina :3

Have a nice day/night/morning/afternoon/evening!🥰

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