Chapter 13

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As Kanao led Zenitsu to art class she began to study him.

It seems that he might be a wolf in a human disguise.But I'm not sure if he's trying to cause harm.But I'll get really close just to make sure.Then I'll text Muichiro.

"Hm?Kanao?"Zenitsu poked her.

"Huh?"Kanao asked.

"Do you know where we're going?"Zenitsu asked.

Kanao realized that she completely went the wrong way.She quickly turned back.

"Oh yeah sorry haha..I just got kind of distracted"Kanao laughed nervously.

"Oh okay"Zenitsu said.

-Time skip brought to you by all the people in the comments planning Kanao's murder-

"Okay Zenitsu,wait here I'll tell the teacher about your arrival"Kanao said.Zenitsu nodded.

Kanao opened the classroom door and she whispered something to the teacher and then she sat down.

"Ahem,class,we have a new student."The teacher said.She opened the door and Zenitsu walked in.

"Please introduce yourself"The teacher said.

Zenitsu looked around the room.

Nezuko and Inosuke are in my class?

"Hi I'm Zenitsu,and I hope we can all be friends"He gave a closed-eye smile.

Zenitsu turned to the teacher.

"Go sit behind Kanao"The teacher said.

Zenitsu nodded and sat behind Kanao.

"Okay,So today we will be starting an art project.Please get in a group of four."The teacher said,"We will be using watercolors to paint a structure of nature.You will use these big papers.But first you'll practice on normal paper.You may begin to look for partners"The teacher explained.

Everyone stood up and grouped up.

Nezuko and Inosuke ran over to Zenitsu.

"Hey want to be in our group?"Nezuko asked Zenitsu.

Zenitsu nodded happily.Kanao stood up and walked towards the trio.

"May I join you?"Kanao asked.

The others nodded.

-Time skip after school brought to you by my lazy ass and Giyu's depression-

It was after school and everyone was going home.Tanjiro,Nezuko,And Zenitsu we're walking home together.

Kanao ran over to them and greeted them,"Hey guys I heard there was a festival next month,do you guys want to come with me?"She smiled.

The trio looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure,We'll go as long as our parents let us, What time and day?"Tanjiro said.

"Saturday 10:00 a.m,Sound good?"Kanao said.

The others nodded.

"Alright see you guys tomorrow!"Kanao smiled at them and ran off.

For the past few minutes,it was all silence.

"Hey guys...Do you think we should tell Kanao that I'm a wolf? She seems really nice and I feel a bit bad that I'm keeping something from her"Zenitsu said.

"Hmm...maybe...but we should do it after the festival.We don't know if she's one of those wolf hunters"Nezuko said.

"Wolf hunters?"Zenitsu said.

"Yeah,There are plenty others like you,Being able to transform to a human.They say that they've almost killed all of them and most of them are getting extinct.I also heard that they get payed millions for it"Nezuko explained.

A wave of fear swept through Zenitsu.He looked very frightened because one day he could just wake up one day to find out that everyone knows about his secret and try to kill him.He was shaking with fear.

"Oh I'm sorry Zenitsu I didn't mean to scare you"Nezuko apologized in shame.

"It's okay...."Zenitsu replied.

Tanjiro put one of his hands on Zenitsu's shoulder.

"Don't worry Zenitsu.I'll protect you.I'll make sure they never touch a strand of your hair!"Tanjiro said confidently as he smiled at him.

Zenitsu started blushing a bit.

Nezuko looked over at them smirking.

I ship it!!


Yes nezuko is one of us now.

THE LAST THREE EPISODES OF PARASYTE GOT ME CRYIN LIKE IM SORRY WTF WHYYYY also if you like Haikyuu,I have this cursed image I made of Oiks

Yeah ikr xD

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