Chapter 7

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Tanjiro fluttered his eyes open to a light weight on his chest.He saw the adorable blond cuddling into his chest.He blushed a little.

"He's so cute.."Tanjiro whispered to himself as he ruffled the smaller male's hair.

Tanjiro then took his hand away.

"Wait a minute..I can't already have a crush on him!I mean he's cute and all-wait.."Tanjiro whispered to himself again.

Tanjiro sighed as he gently slipped away from the sleeping boy and went to the bathroom to change into his uniform.

He came out and saw that Zenitsu was awake.

"Tanjiro..Are you going to school?"Zenitsu said while standing up.


"Does that mean I won't see you today?"Zenitsu asked,pouting.

"Don't worry, it's only 7 hours"Tanjiro comforted the boy.

Tanjiro looked at the sad boy,and then without thinking,he took his earrings off and then gave them to Zenitsu.

"I'll let you keep them for today because I'll know you'll be lonely so keep a hold of these so you won't feel too alone"Tanjiro smiled.

"Anyways,I have to wake up Nezuko and eat breakfast,Goodbye"He said.

Zenitsu nodded,seeing the taller male walk out of the door.

Zenitsu looked at the window.


Tanjiro opened the door to Nezuko's bedroom.

"Nezuko wake up!"Tanjiro said,gently shaking his sister.

Nezuko got up and yawned.Tanjiro waited outside her room.Nezuko walked out and was greeted by Tanjiro.

They both headed downstairs to see their mother making breakfast and their dad walking out of the house to go to work.

"Good morning kids,sit down and have some breakfast before school,You can't work with an empty stomach"Their mother said as she placed two plates of delicious-looking pancakes on the table.

(Fun fact:I don't actually eat breakfast before I go to school.Maybe that's why I'm so tired and sleepy xD)

Both of them sat down and when Tanjiro barely took his first bite,Nezuko was already done.So she went outside to wait for Tanjiro.Meanwhile,Zenitsu was waiting for both of them to go so he could follow them,but it would be too strange if he was in his human form.So he changed to his wolf form.

Tanjiro finally came out and Nezuko greeted him,Next,They opened the gates and headed to school,Zenitsu slithered around the gates and jumped into a tree to see which direction they were going.


Sorry for not updating in..uh idk 5 days??? But I hope this wasn't too short and I hoped you guys enjoyed :)

A wolf in the forest (TanZen){COMPLETED☑️}Where stories live. Discover now