Chapter 12

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Nezuko fled the scene and ran off somewhere so she could ignore the fact that Tanjiro had completely exposed her.

Tanjiro let out a slight chuckle.He grabbed Zenitsu's wrist.(ha gay)

"Come on I'll show you around!"Tanjiro said excitedly.

"Um..Tanjiro you know I can walk by don't have to drag me..haha.."Zenitsu chuckled while stumbling.

"Huh? Who's that new kid?"A girl with pink-eyes,a pig-tail and a butterfly on her back asked a twin-tailed girl with blue eyes and two blue butterflies.

Those two girls were Kanao Tsuyuri and Aoi Kanzaki.

"Hmm..I don't know.Hey isn't that your crush? Hmm..What's his name again?Tanjiro Kamado right?"Aoi asked.

"That's right"Kanao mumbled.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu just walked past them.

Hmm.. that's strange.I'm feeling a weird type of vibe from that blonde boy.It's almost like..A wolf vibe maybe?Should I tell Aoi?Should I tell Muichiro? I mean,If I get rid of that blonde boy,it could be a benefit for me because then I can have Tanjiro...

"KANAO!!"Aoi shouted.

"Huh?What?"Kanao turned to the blue girl.

"Are you even listening to me?"She said while crossing her arms.

"Oh um..Uh sorry Aoi I'll be sure to listen next time.."Kanao apologized.

"Hmph,whatever I'm going to get some soda from the vending machine"Aoi said as she walked off.

"Okay,See you later"Kanao said to her.

No...maybe it's too early to get rid of him..Maybe he's not a threat at all and I'm misunderstanding it.I'll pretend to be his friend and then I'll find out the truth.Then I can-


Kanao snapped out of her thoughts and she quickly traveled to her classroom.

-With Tanjiro and Zenitsu-

"Okay so now that we almost covered everything,We just need the principal's office.Then you can get your schedule"Tanjiro said.

Zenitsu nodded.He had been tired after Tanjiro literally dragged him around the whole school.

"We're here"Tanjiro said,"You can go in and get your schedule,I'll wait for you right outside.I won't move.I promise."Tanjiro said happily.

Zenitsu nodded and smiled at him.He grabbed the door nob and opened the door.He walked in and shut the door.

"Do you need anything?"The principal asked,Looking up from his paperwork.

"Um..Yes well I am actually new here"Zenitsu said.

The principal smiled and grabbed a paper from one of the drawers.

"Are you Zenitsu?"The principal asked.

Zenitsu nodded.If he was being honest,the principal looked very strange but fashionable I guess you could say.

The principal had curly hair and he was wearing a black and white suit and he had a fancy white hat with a black stripe in the middle.

Zenitsu then looked at the front of the desk.There was a small silver rectangle that said 'Muzan Kibutsuji'

"Here is your schedule"Muzan handed Zenitsu a white paper.

"Thank you very much!"Zenitsu smiled.

Muzan smiled in return and then he went back to his paperwork.

"So how did it go?"Tanjiro asked.

"It was awkward but pretty good."Zenitsu said then he looked at his first class.

"Good to k-"


"Oh I have math see you later Zenitsu!"Tanjiro ran off and left poor Zenitsu alone.

Zenitsu had forgotten where Art class was so he frantically started looking everywhere.

As he was walking around,He found the one and only Kanao Tsuyuri,Who planned on disposing him if he was proven to be a threat to her.

He slightly approached her.

"U-Um excuse me,do you know where Art class is?"Zenitsu asked.

Kanao turned to him and nodded,"Yeah I go to that class too,Come on I'll show you where it is"She smiled.

"Oh thank you so much!My friend gave me a tour but I forgot where the class was"Zenitsu thanked her.

"Yeah I know it can get a bit confusing in such a big building"She agreed.

This is absolutely perfect!If I get him to think that I'm his friend and he trusts me then I can easily dispose of him and Tanjiro will be mine!!!


I decided to give you guys a long chapter because why not? And all I have been giving you guys short chapters and I just really want to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting me :)

And I know what you are all thinking towards Kanao:

And I know what you are all thinking towards Kanao:

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A wolf in the forest (TanZen){COMPLETED☑️}Where stories live. Discover now