Chapter seven

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"Oh my God, Weston!, Weston!" I shout as I rushed to him,laying his head on my lap he whines in pain,looking at me ,I didn't know I was crying until he expands his hands to clean my tears he didn't look like the confident and arrogant man I have come to know,he looked vulnerable and weak and it pained me to see him like this,he says in a weak voice "please don't cry" his eyes falling close when I hit him so he could stay awake he whines again"I'm sorry Weston but don't you dare faint on me" I say with teary voice. I see the older man from the bar rush to us,speaking to someone through the phone,he kneels in front of him and say as he hangs up " we need to get him to the hospital miss" as he carries him up,a car parks in front of us "I'm going with you" I say he nods his head as we rush into the car with Weston.
I called Leila to let her know the situation, she tells me she will meet us there with Melody. I couldn't stop crying,the older man whose name I got to know is Mr Philip tries to assure me that he will be there.
We've been been here for over an hour now and nothing yet how can I be fine when his in there, I called him arrogant, the man I said I hated pushed me out of the way in time only to sacrifice himself just to save me,am I a bad person?I ask myself, I judged him even before I got to know him. Megan rushes in with a woman that she looks like and a man a lot like Weston. Mr Philip talks to them when Megan walks up to me and hugs me saying" my brother is a fighter Summer, it's not your fault . I cry on her shoulder saying " it's my fault".
Leila and Melody rush in, I stare at them Melody searching for me when she sees me she shouts "Summer!"rushing to me and embrace me before Leila joins us while I cry. After what seems like forever the doctor walks out and says "his alright,we stopped the internal bleeding and got more blood into his system due to a high level of lost of blood,his a fighter,he broke his arms his left arm and he hit his head pretty hard,hopefully he won't loose his memory". His mother gasp when she here's this and she starts to cry her husband tries to console her but I know his also worried about his son,"I'm sorry ,its my fault his in there". His mother shakes her head at me and say "don't blame yourself for what you can't control my dear,its not your fault so stop blaming yourself".

Weston was transfered into another room and tells us we can see him. When I enter the room I see him looking really pale with different monitors connected to his body. His head covered in bandage ,including his hand and waist leaving him shirtless ,I couldn't help but admire his physic with is beautiful figure. Zach walks in and Megan embrace him immediately crying in his chest as he pets her gently. I'm shocked by this do they know each other?i ask myself but I can't dwell on that now.
A day have passed already and I didn't leave Weston side,I couldn't ,I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to be there when he wakes. Mr Michael was in charge since Weston couldn't go to work for the time being, Megan had a meeting she had to attend but his mom stayed behind with me. For someone I didn't exactly know I knew I already cared too much for him,I knew there was no turning back now,yes he saved my life but I know deep down I just couldn't stop thinking about him since the first day I saw him. His mom went out for something ,I dozed off after she left.

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