Chapter Twenty Five

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Summer POV

  On my way out of the building I hear my name turning to find out who it is to discover its Alec, waving at me with a smile on his face waving back to him,I stroll to meet him,he hugs me before I ask "what are you doing here?"he laughs and say "can't I come to see my future sister in law?". I roll my eyes at him as he laughs and say "belie me Summer,
   Weston isn't letting you go because he loves you even if his too arrogant to say it out loud,I know Summer and I also know the feeling is mutual" smiling at me knowingly.. The word love rings a bell to me,he have never told me he loves me,while me on the other hand knowing I love him,geez,why am I even expecting him to love me his not that kind of person right? I ask myself. Alec breaks me out of my thoughts"aww,she's thinking about him"he says playfully.

I smile and reply "stop already I just miss him" Alec nodding and notice the teddy bear I'm holding.."oh I see he bought you a teddy..sounds boring". Smacking his arms,he cries "ouch,that hurts".. I raise the bear up and say "this is Mr cuddly",he rolls his eyes at me and say "seriously Summer, are we like four?. I his and tell him to shut up"you don't even understand being romantic..."
  He sighs and say absent minded "if only she let's me, she's just too stubborn and feisty may I add,I mean why can't she be gentle like you". I laugh at him "are you going to give up on her "I ask curious already. He glares at me and say with a cocky smirk on his face "not even close to giving up,come on Summer let's get you home". He opens the door for me,I thank him before I enter.

     The ride was a quiet one,never the less we sat in a comfortable silence before i broke the silence "why are you even picking me up?
"Oh well Weston said ,he can't trust any man with you so he told me and Zach to do the favor,besides I volunteered to do it anyways when Zach is not available" I nod my head in understanding" you know I can actually take care of myself right?" I suggest,he smiles and say "yes,its true but I like you and I want to help so,its not an issue.. Besides Weston have been lost for so long until you came along, I am grateful for that..." He stares at me exceptionally "he always thought love is a weakness so he never believed in love but you came and it changed him,nobody,

I mean nobody have ever achieved what you have with Weston Summer even his parents ,love is only seen in the movies,he always tell" Alec chuckles as the remember what Wes always said" but I guess you put him in the right place ". I smile at him before I turn to the window keeping my gaze out but deep in thought.
     I told Alec I was going to the bar but I needed to get something at home first,so he stopped at the house first. Well here we are I forgot my keys at home because I was engrossed in my own thoughts about Wes which means I have to knock,I did invite Alec inside too didn't want him waiting outside soon the door opens as Melody says "why are you knocking?" Staring at him with her holder arms not even noticing the taller figure behind..."Mel, I forgot my keys at home now move little sis" pushing her out of the way,I hear her gasp turning to see her staring at Alec in shock,just as Alec also stare at her in shock. This is when is clicks in my head that they both go to the same school and his Mel's crush. I scoffed at this,this just got interesting.

Oh my God, they finally meet like this what do you think will happen between them?😲😲.

Team Melody and Alec☺☺

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