Twenty Nine

22 5 2

Summer POV

Mr and Mrs Daniel come into view and say "aww,look how lovely our girls are",Mr Daniel nods in response, we all laugh,as my sight wanders to the entrance when I see Megan walks In.
She pause and stare at me before she smiles ,walking up to me"hey Summer" she greets " hello Megan" answering her with a hug. We take a seat as Megan ask immediately "are you alright?" Confused about her question she says "Zach, told me everything and now that Weston is out of town,its not really a good thing" I nod my head in agreement"I miss him already" I say "I didn't mean to hell at him,I wasn't supposed to but it happened,I don't even know when I said what I said,it was wrong in my side"trying to hold my tears,she pats me and hugs me "you know one thing about being in love?" I stare at her waiting for her to continue"is it brings out the best in you and also the worst". I look at her with a raised brows,she goes on to say "you can't be like that with anyone else Summer, when you get emotional in love the way you express yourself will be in another level even if it hurts you or not" I guess she's right."so that's how it is?"I ask she nods and ask "have you called him?",I shake my head no"don't you think you should be the one to call?"then goes on to say "he already made the first move this morning" she's right,I should call him,I smiled and say "thank you Megan, I really appreciate" she smiles and reply "anytime Summer, besides Alec came to me not long ago and said a lot actually about your sister.." Shocked,wow,Alec can't keep his mouth shut"I say,she laughs and say "actually we are very close,more like the way you and your best friend are"she says I open my eyes wide and ask "his your best friend?",she nods with a smile "besides Melody is really lucky to have Alec notice her,but I can see why anyways. Alec is your normal super cool guy that everyone likes,while Melody is just like him but in another level,feisty and she doesn't hide what she feels,do you know how he noticed her,I mean his a really sensitive guy,everything she said he felt". I laugh as we both stare at Melody"she's still sulking about the fact that he didn't talk to her even if Leila is trying to cheer her up" we watch as Leila makes her laugh. "Well let's see were all this goes"she says as she stands to her feet" I'll get going now" , "thanks again Megan"I say with a smile as we embrace each other before she leaves.
Laying in my bed to go to sleep but before that I call Weston, taking my phone I dial his number, it rings the first,second, third,fourth time I sigh and was about to cut it when he picked it up"hello,babe" he says.I smile at that and answer "hey",not knowing what to say, I hear him sigh and say "how are you doing how is work?how was your day?anything, just say something already" he pleads,"for a start work went well and I miss you"I say, he says "I didn't want it to be like that,I wanted telling you but.. know" not wanting to bring it up. I sigh and him.

Weston POV
I'm so happy she called even ,I don't know how I feel this way for her but I'm glad I do,its a nice feeling to have someone.. She doesn't say anything for a while before she says "its my fault,I shouldn't have talked to you that way and I'm sorry Weston"she pleads ,smiling I reply "I'm sorry too babe",she argues "no Wes, you shouldn't say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong". "Come on babe,I hurt you by saying all the things I said,I should have trusted you,which is a fault in my side" she goes silent for a while breaking the silence she says "fine ,we both have our faults so I accept your apology,if you except mine" she suggest, "you know I do,I accept your apology "she chuckles and say "I miss you pumpkin, I miss you a lot already".
" me too babe, I miss you,I wish you're here with me".I say to her."me too I wish I was there with you,knowing Carly is there too.." She mutters more to herself,but I could still pick it,this makes me smile"are you jealous"throwing the obvious question, she denies immediately "me?no,no,I'm not,I mean why will I be" I decide to play along with her "well,you know Carly have been trying to flirt with me ,I mean she wants me in her bed"knowing this will set her off,I could hear her gasp already before she says " Mr Weston Richard Michael, I swear if you even dare to touch a strand of her hair,I swear I will kick your balls" I open my eyes in shock as I sit up from my bed,did she just swear?"oh my God, sweetie did you just swear?"I say,"I mean damn girl"I say excitedly " WESTON!"she yells. Almost dropping the phone on her sudden outburst ",immediately I say "I won't ,I won't wheat in you"not wanting to get to her bad side.."I won't babe".

OK..there it is😊😊😊

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