Twenty Eight

17 6 0

Summer POV

      After Alec drop us,he says bye to me and leave immediately, Melody have been quiet since then,I mean through out the car ride Alec didn't say anything to her,even when he dropped us he didn't tell her bye,he told only me which was after he hugged me,I didn't think he would take my advise immediately, funny enough he didn't leave until he told me to take care of Melody in a whisper. I hope this helps her realize she was too harsh on him.

    Leila enters shortly after and she also noticed Melody mood. Curiously she ask me what's up but I shrug like I do t know,after I noticed how she glared at me,I scoff and say in my mind the peeks of having a best friend. I decide to tell her everything that happened, I mean everything. Leila laughs and says "well serves her right for picking a fight with him and double wow,so the hottie she always talks about was Weston cousin,I mean those people are fine, I'm now wishing I can vet someone too from their family"she says bluntly.

I smack her arm"ouch Summer, that hurts"she pouts at me and continue"but seriously Summer I know two Evans sisters will end up with the two guys..." I roll my eyes and say "Leila,Mel is just 18 years old ok" she shrugs with this reply "well she's already an adult, besides Alec is 22 right?",I nod my head."see, his matured enough and I know his not like his cousin Weston who sleeps around until he met you"she rushes,why can't Leila control her mouth? Glaring at her,it still hurts hearing how Weston was before me, he was never a saint. "I really don't like it when people talk about him like that" I say honestly, she rolls her eyes ,shaking my head in in believe I really can't believe she's my best friend.

"So?" She says "Weston left for a business trip?",I nod my head after a sigh. Knowing we weren't in good terms before he left and the fact that Carly went with him,it scares me,what if he cheats in me or what if all this is a joke and he leaves me for Carly or Anna? Lost in thoughts,Leila snaps her figures in my face and brings me out of my thoughts "don't worry Summer, he will come back to you and he won't leave you,have a little faith in him"with a smile on her face I return her smile as he tells me "come here friend" we stay in a nice embrace for a while before she teases"Evan sisters worried for their man,will you look at that"we both laugh,but its the truth, how did we come to this level, how did I come to the level of loving him so much?,I smile at this and say "thank you Leila, for making me feel better",she laughs and say "I might be a loose carnal but ain't gonna let you down..I won't give up on you,even if we are pure opposite"..we both laugh as we break our embrace before she says "we'll always be besties Summer, no matter what",I nod and say "no matter what".

Oh wow,so what do you think?😊😊

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