Chapter Nineteen

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Summer POV
  It takes a while to recognize were I am when I wake,when I do all the events that happened yesterday came rushing at me,I sigh and stand up,going straight to the bathroom. After sometime I finish in the bathroom ,walking out to the sound of my phone,caller ID says its Leila, I pick it up "hey,Leila","how are you girl and how is Mr gorgeous ?"she ask teasingly .I sigh at the question"Summer? What's wrong"she asked worried."we had a fight"I answer,she yells"this early!",moving the phone away from my ear. I explain everything to her,she sighs "oh Summer, I know you're feeling insecure but you shouldn't push him away because of your insecurities, have you guys talked today?she ask,I shake my head no then I remember she can't see me"no" I answer "you should apologize to him, its 11am already he should be at work already why don't you give him a surprise visit"
"Do you think its a good idea?"I ask,"oh,its never a good idea,now go on get ready and visit him,I believe your man will love it".
After my conversation with Leila I get ready to visit him at the office,when I finish dressing ,I walk downstairs to see Alec"oh hy Alec"I greet. He turns to me and smiles "Weston cooked breakfast,he left since 8am,you should check your food in the cooler. I'm also going to work Summer so I'll see you later"he smiles "later Alec"I reply before he takes his leave. I sigh and look at the cooler ,he really went out of his way to make breakfast for me, I should really apologize.

  Weston POV
   The meeting went on for two hours,my mind whirling around Summer, I didn't even see her today before I left, she was really mad at me,God what kind of feeling is this."Mr Weston, Mr Weston"someone calls "yes?"I answer staring at him "we were asking,how was the presentation?"he ask already nervous, " was good,what do you say Mrs Rose Thomas, my assistant "its a reassuring product sir,I say we give them what they want "she answers ,I get to my feet"bring all the documents to my office and Miss Carly Joseph, your work will be submitted to you on Monday, good day everyone"with that I take my leave to my office.
  After a while Mrs Thomas brings the documents to my office and then Carly walks in,Mrs Thomas always hated her she turns to me to see if I want her here. I sigh and nod at her, then she leaves me with Carly"what do you want Carly?"I ask,she laughs and say "oh now its Carly I thought we were going on with titles ?" I shake my head,I don't have the patience to deal with her attitude now."we were at a business meeting it was necessary"I say,she sighs and walks up to me. I raise my brows at her,then she chuckles and sit on my lap batting her eyes at me seductively and say"I've missed you Weston".
I push her off and say "this is my office Carly respect that" she looks at me confused "this isn't the first time we will do something like this here,what changed?"
"I am not doing this,whatever you're trying to do with you ok...."I say,"oh but I love you Weston and you know it!"she yells.

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