t h i r t y - f i v e

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The final word count for this chapter is 3840 words. So if you're gonna read this, you're gonna need some time, and probably some kleenex. 'Cause shit's about to go down.

{Unedited, as always, and very evident in this chapter, I'm sure}


It's so hard to sleep when Luke is curled up against me, in my bed, naked, and gorgeous as ever.

Like, I don't think you understand the difficulty of the simple task.

I slept for three or four hours, because damn, does he know how to tire you out. Well, given the previous events, of course. But once I'd woken up to find him both nuzzling and drooling on my arm, I couldn't bring myself to do anything but admire him.

And, sure, the drool all over my arm was kind of gross, but it was also kind of cute. Pick your battles, make your sacrifices. You know.

I had to have been laying here awake for well over an hour, when I finally heard Luke groan a little and stretch all of his oversized limbs out, before he sat up rather abruptly and choked on his breath.

"Holy shit, oh my God." He said, clasping his chest and breathing heavily. "It's just you, Jesus."

And I didn't really know where that came from or what he meant by it, and I surely didn't know whether or not I was allowed to ask about it. So I didn't. Kind of.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked, rather taken aback myself.

"I forgot I was here! Jesus Christ, wouldn't you be slightly concerned if you woke up, naked, in some random person's bed, in some random room?" He asked critically, before relaxing and waving it off with his hands. "Never mind, don't answer that. You're Ashton."

I chuckled slightly, while a grimace took over Luke's features. "Ew, fuck. I drooled everywhere." He said, wiping the spit from his cheek with his hand, so courteously wiping it on my sheets instead.

"Including my arm." I added, lifting it from its place and holding it out for Luke to see.

"Oh my God." He responded, staring down at the glossy part of my arm covered in spit before his cheeks grew a light pink and he buried his face in his hands. "Oh my God. I'm sorry."

But I just chuckled at his reaction and threw myself upwards, engulfing him in my arms and throwing us back onto the mattress, before burying my face in his neck and mumbling, "It was adorable" In the most patronizing tone I could muster up.

"Ew." He said, squirming from my grip. "You're disgusting."

"At least I didn't drool on you." I retorted with a grin.

"Cheap shot!" He responded defensively, still trying to pry himself from my hold on him.

"Or have a wet dream about you."

And he just froze in his place. "Okay, now that's a lie."

"Yeah, yeah it was." I said, gently, loosening my grip on him. "That one was all me."

"Oh my God, Ashton."

"I'm not even sorry."

"Wouldn't doubt that for a second."

And with that, he began struggling from my hold on him again. Although, after a moment or so, he succeeded in nothing more than bringing us both tumbling off the bed onto the floor, and erupting a fit of laughter throughout the room.

Revolution || Lashton AU - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now