t h i r t y - n i n e

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hello this is 99% dialogue sorry I'm the worst I know goodbye

ps can we just acknowledge that anywhere it's blue on the map is where someone's been reading revolution wOAH I love you foreigners (and my fellow americans)


"Hey," I smiled, not moments after Luke said those words to me, "I've got to get to my lecture or Calvin's gonna be on my ass, okay?"

Though, I was lying. Sort of.

I did have a lecture today, but I definitely was not going, and Professor Calvin was definitely going to be on my ass for it.

"Since when do you care about classes?" He scoffed, playfully, still very, very close to me.

I sighed quickly. "Since I decided I'd like to only be in college for four years."

He chuckled and looked like he was going to lean in, presumably to kiss me, but I just ducked out of the way like I didn't see it coming and ignored the look of disappointment on his face.

I scurried over to where my backpack was in the corner of the room, threw my stuff in it, and zipped it shut before rushing out the door with a small wave and a rather obnoxious, "I'll get a cab, you can take my car, bye!"

I could tell by the way his eyebrows were all knit together and his shoulders were raised too high that he didn't quite believe me, but I was no longer in the same room as him so the way I saw it, it didn't matter that much whether or not he did.

I didn't lie about the cab, though. I waved one down and climbed in, almost forgetting the name of the college in my frenzied state.

Not soon after he began driving, I realized I wouldn't be able to get into my dorm, since the key to my dorm was on my key ring, which I left in the room with Luke. All I could do was hope Nate was there, or I'd probably end up spending the rest of my day with Brian, if you know what I'm saying.

(At the bar, to clarify.)

The drive seemed to go on forever despite the college only being a fifteen minute or so drive between the two locations. When the driver finally pulled into the college, I got out on the curb, tossed him his fare, and the practically ran the entire way up to my dorm.

I could barely even think anymore; my mind was all fuzzy and jumbled and fucked, really.

So I ran up the stairs and down the hall, pushing and shoving by a few other students in the hallway, though I couldn't be bothered by what they were yelling because all the blood in my whole body seemed to rush straight to my head and apply enough pressure on my eardrums to cancel all the noise out completely.

I knocked quickly and anxiously on the door, not bothering to check if Nate were actually here, only hoping. And when the door opened, it seemed like everything just wend into auto-pilot as I threw myself against Nate and smashed my lips against his.

I gripped my hands on his cheeks and pushed him into the room, slamming him against the door until he'd managed to push me away from him.

"What the hell, Ashton!" He demanded, wiping his mouth after removing mine.

I groaned. "Oh, come on, what?"

"What are you doing?" He asked, a bit quieter, but just as critically.

"The fuck does it look like I'm doing?" I asked, annoyed, before dropping my bag off to the side and moving back to kiss him again.

"You know what I mean!" He snapped. "What about, you know, what about Luke?"

Revolution || Lashton AU - boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now