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I just wanted to clarify something in this story. Since Taehyung identifies as nonbinary and also uses they/them pronouns, they/them pronouns will be used when referring to them in the story. This may be confusing at first, but I want to not just honor the pronouns but also show how to use them in every day situation. Hope you enjoy the chapter.


It's been a week since the start of classes, and Taehyung is already exhausted. Right now, Taehyung is taking statistics, genetics, organic chemistry, and research methods for chemistry. Needless to say, they don't really have the opportunity to think about anything other than science and math.

Taehyung was currently in their dorm with Jimin, stressing over homework due the next day.

"You know we're only starting the second week of classes right?" Jimin stopped choreographing something, taking out his ear buds to talk to Taehyung.

Jimin had been worried about his roommate all weekend, the other not leaving the dorm except for food. And even then, Jimin wasn't sure if Taehyung was telling the truth when asked if they ate.

"I know, but I need to get this done." Taehyung put their hands in their hair, pulling slightly at the light brown strands.

"You should take a break. Take a walk or something." Jimin moved closer to Taehyung, squeezing their shoulder.

Taehyung brushed off Jimin's hand. Taehyung's binder was absolutely killing them right now, but they couldn't take it off.

"It's okay. I just have to finish this and then my pre-lab notebook questions. It's probably only another hour of work max." Taehyung didn't even look up when they responded, trying to stay laser focused. The faster they finished their homework, the faster they could run to the bathroom quick to take off their binder.

Jimin sat down next to Taehyung, his hands in his lap. "I'm just worried about you. You haven't left the dorm in hours. Have you even eaten today?"


The answer was so short, that Jimin had trouble believing them. Jimin took a deep breath and closed Taehyung's notebook, Taehyung's hand still stuck in it.

"Jimin, what the hell?! I need to finish that, and now, I'm going to lose my train of thought." Taehyung was obviously angry, more at the pain their binder was causing them than their roommate.

"Come on. I'm meeting Hoseok and a freshman he's showing around for dinner in ten minutes. You should come." Jimin still looked worried that Taehyung would say no, wanting to be sure the other ate something.

Taehyung sighed deeply, not wanting to wear the binder for another hour or so but knowing how hungry they actually were. "Fine."

Jimin immediately smiled at the answer, hugging Taehyung tightly. Taehyung groaned as the binder rode up their back. However, they smiled back to Jimin, Jimin's smile always causing Taehyung to do the same.

"But I can't stay long."

"That's fine. I just want to make sure you actually eat something. And it'll be nice to get out a little." Jimin got up from Taehyung's bed, walking over to his bed to grab something.

"Oh, and who's this freshman? Another dance major, I'm assuming?" Taehyung was now setting their notebook aside, looking for their school ID and wallet.

"Yeah. Hoseok's been showing him around all day. I don't even know his name yet."

"Wait. Did you say 'he?'" Taehyung was slightly surprised, seeing that there were only a total of five to six guys in the entire dance department, Hoseok and Jimin being two of them.

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