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Jimin had been nervous all day. He wasn't sure if it was due to his alarm not going off correctly and him almost being late to class or if it had to do with his "date." He wasn't even sure he could call it that, especially since he was sure the other person had no feelings for him whatsoever.

He was outside of the dining hall, waiting for the person in question. Not sure if they were going to text him first, Jimin clutched his phone as if his life depended on it. He continued looking around nonchalantly, not seeing the person in the lunch crowd.

It got to be about ten minutes after their planned meeting time for lunch, and Jimin was becoming discouraged.

Maybe they had to cancel? Or maybe they just don't want to have lunch with you.

Jimin sighed, looking down at the ground. He could feel himself becoming overwhelmed, the tears starting to form. He took a deep breath before deciding to just grab something in the take out section and go wallow in sadness at the dance studio. Just as Jimin was about to open the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Shocked, he turned around quickly.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late. My dance class got out a little late, and I needed to take a quick shower. Didn't want to smell up the entire dining hall."

Jungkook smiled at Jimin, his damp hair moving effortlessly in the small breeze. Jungkook's laugh could lift any burden Jimin was feeling, making Jimin feel weightless.

Jimin smiled at the younger man, glad that he showed up. He giggled slightly before holding the door open for Jungkook.

"I guess we should go eat then."

"Yeah. I'm starving!"

Jungkook held his stomach as he entered the dining hall, causing Jimin to laugh loudly. They both continued cracking jokes and talking about their respective dance classes. Jimin was immediately becoming more comfortable around the other, getting continuously lost in their conversations.

"So, how's Taehyung doing?"

"They're okay. They might get released tonight, which is great! I'm excited to have them back in the dorm."

Jungkook could see the happiness ooze out of Jimin, causing Jungkook to smile. Jungkook would never admit it, but he could get lost in Jimin's eyes all day, especially if it meant hanging out with him. Jungkook hadn't realized that Jimin was trying to get his attention.

"—kook. Jungkook?"

"Sorry! Spaced out. What?"

Jungkook gave Jimin his full attention, not wanting to miss another word.

"Ummm ... this is a weird question, but ..." Jimin looked down at his clasped hands under the table. He bit his lip before continuing, "Can I give you a nickname? I thought, since we're friends, it would be cool to give each other nicknames. But only if you're comfortable with it!"

The last part came out louder than the rest, almost as if the older was nervous and wanted to give Jungkook an escape if he didn't want to. Jungkook smiled, loving the idea.

"I'm cool with it! Any ideas?"

Jungkook took another mouthful of food, waiting for Jimin to respond. Jungkook could see the wheels in Jimin's head turning. Since Jimin didn't seem to come up with anything, Jungkook decided to speak up.

"A couple people from back home call me Seagull. You can call me that if you want."

"Wait! I've got it!"

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