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Jimin currently found a random piece of wood in one of the other classrooms, trying to break the lock on the doorknob. Yoongi was trying to get Taehyung to respond.

"Taehyung! Come on, get up! Please!"

Yoongi and Jimin could both see Taehyung no longer breathing from their view through the small window. They knew they had limited time. Just as Jimin was on his third attempt to break the lock, multiple footsteps could be heard running down the stairs. Both boys were met with two police officers, one fire fighter, and one EMT.

"What's the situation?"

"Taehyung is trapped in this locked room, and we don't think they're breathing." Jimin didn't take his eyes off the door as he explained the situation.

The firefighter determined that breaking the glass wouldn't allow them to reach the doorknob from the inside. So, they grabbed a crowbar from their tool belt, placing it in between the door. The EMT ran towards the window, trying to check Taehyung for breathing patterns. When they didn't see any, they were extremely concerned.

"Any luck with the door?" The EMT was getting more worried by the second.

"Almost ... there."

Within a couple seconds, the wood of the door splintered, causing the door to swing lifelessly open. Just as Jimin and Yoongi were about to run towards Taehyung, the officers held them back. Yoongi and Jimin both fought with their respective officers.

"Let me go!" Yoongi was doing everything he could to get himself out of the officer's grip.

The fire fighter and EMT could sense how difficult it was to breathe in the room, the oxygen levels finally equilibrating due to the door being open again. The EMT laid Taehyung on their back, listening for breathing. They also placed their fingers on Taehyung's wrist in search for a pulse.

"Anything?" The fire fighter was messaging the rest of their team that was currently outside of the building.

"Not breathing. No pulse. I'll start CPR. Message the rest of the ambulance unit to get down here."

The EMT began CPR, pumping steadily on Taehyung's chest. They noticed something quickly that didn't add up to what they were told on their way to campus. The EMT had noticed Taehyung didn't have a flat chest, not sure if there was a mix-up when being told information about the missing person. They decided to keep it to themselves for now, focusing on trying to revive Taehyung.

Jimin and Yoongi had now been pulled outside of the building against their will. Jin and Namjoon saw the two of them struggling against the officers, heading towards them immediately.

"Guys, stop fighting them!" Jin was trying to calm down Yoongi, while Namjoon went towards Jimin.

Yoongi began tearing up, in shock of what he saw and wanting to help Taehyung if possible. Jin decided that the best way to subdue Yoongi was to hold him in a hug. Namjoon held Jimin tightly, the boy crying into Namjoon's shoulder.

"What happened down there?" Namjoon knew he probably wouldn't get an answer, but he thought he'd at least try.

"They were weak ... and could barely stand. Then they ..." Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence, not wanting to believe that Taehyung could be dead.

"He what?" Jin feared the worst.

"They collapsed, and they weren't breathing. We ..." Jimin was sobbing, his voice continuously interrupted by slight hiccups. "We couldn't even get them out."

"Wait, they? Were there more people in there?" Jin seemed extremely concerned, but before he got an answer, Jimin ran to him.

Both Yoongi and Jimin held onto Jin and Namjoon, as if those two were their last lifelines to reality. Jin decided to let it go, comforting Jimin being his first priority. After a couple seconds, there was movement from the building. A couple people brought out a stretcher with a lifeless body on it. The ambulance doors were rushed open, trying to place the stretcher inside.

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