The Talk

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"Hey, Tae. Can we talk?"

Taehyung hadn't even closed the door yet, pausing even more at the monotone voice Jimin had spoken with. Taehyung had only heard this voice a handful of times before, each time being about a serious topic.

"Ugh ... yeah." Taehyung's voice showcased their nerves. They closed the door, laying all of their stuff on the floor next to their bed. Taehyung climbed into their bed, sitting cross-legged and facing Jimin. Jimin had his head facing his blanket, trying to figure out what to say first.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Jimin didn't mean for that sentence to be the first one to come out of his mouth. He had been contemplating what to say to Taehyung since he had finally started putting the pieces together. But, this sentence was the only one that kept circling his mind.

Before he knew it, tears started crawling down his face. Taehyung had looked up to see Jimin's eyes getting pink and tears coming out of his eyes. Their first instinct was to go to Jimin's bed and comfort them, but Taehyung wasn't sure what Jimin was thinking right now. They hadn't even realized that they started crying as well.

"I ... I don't know." Taehyung started to stutter, the tears starting to affect their voice. They looked back down to their blankets and the floor, feeling so small in the already small room.

It took a couple seconds before Jimin spoke again.

"We've roomed together for over a year now, and you didn't tell me?" Jimin paused, catching his breath. It seemed like he was talking more to himself now than to Taehyung. "Do you ... not trust me?"

Taehyung immediately looked up at Jimin, both of them now steadily crying. The last thing Taehyung wanted to do was to make Jimin feel that way.

"Jimin, that's not it."

"Then what is it? You obviously didn't trust me enough to tell me. What did you think? That I would tell everyone?!"

Taehyung could see the hurt in Jimin's eyes, the doubt in himself. Taehyung knew that Jimin was angrier at himself than Taehyung, but that didn't mean the words hurt them any less. Taehyung sighed, still not able to look Jimin in the eyes.

"Of course not! I trust you more than anybody else on this campus."

"Then why?" Jimin spoke softly, making it so Taehyung almost missed it.

"Because ... I was afraid it would change everything. I was afraid you'd think I was disgusting or a freak. And you probably do, so ... I'm gonna leave."

Taehyung had grabbed their phone, walking quickly to the door of their dorm room. They quickly pulled it open, their hands slippery from wiping away all the tears. Just as they got half of their body through the door, Taehyung felt a hand around their wrist.

"Please, don't leave. I don't think those things at all. I ..." Jimin paused. Taehyung was still facing outside the door and Jimin facing the floor. Luckily, no one else was walking through this hallway at the moment.

"... I just feel like I must be a terrible friend for you to think you couldn't tell me."

Taehyung felt a tug on their wrist as Jimin fell to the floor. The crying sounds were more audible now, causing Taehyung to cry more as well. Jimin wouldn't let go of Taehyung's hand as if it represented the only thing connecting the two.

Taehyung closed the door softly, falling against it until they were on the floor next to Jimin. Before they even realized what they were doing, Taehyung pulled Jimin into the tightest hug they've both ever shared.

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