The Website

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The week had gone by fairly smoothly. Taehyung had only dropped their plate in the dining hall once, which was an accomplishment. However, they'd been trying to find Yoongi again to thank him for returning their notebook. However, it seemed like the man was nowhere to be found.

Taehyung was currently working on their organic chemistry lab on their bed. For some reason, Taehyung worked best in their bed or in the library. But seeing that the library was usually packed, they decided to stay in their dorm for the most part.

Taehyung could hear the door click and open, Jimin walking through with his backpack.

"Hey, Tae! Still working?"

"When am I not?"

Both of them laughed slightly. Jimin had walked to his bed, placing his backpack on it. He unzipped the side compartment to grab his school ID. He already had his room keys in his hands from just entering the room.

"I'm going to get dinner. Want to come?"

Usually, Taehyung would snack over dinner. They believed they were too busy to eat full meals, a habit that Jimin had been trying to break since last year.

"I don't know. I don't want to intrude." Taehyung looked up from their lab notebook, seeing Jimin looking at them.

"You could never! It's just Hoseok, Jungkook, and I so far. Nothing wrong with adding one more." Jimin gave Taehyung a heartwarming smile.

"Jungkook, huh?" Taehyung closed their notebook, smiling as they put it back on their desk. "You mean that guy you're definitely crushing on?"

Taehyung's gaze met Jimin's eyes. Jimin's face began to heat up slightly, the blush on his cheeks making his face redder by the second.

"What?! Definitely not!" Jimin looked away from Taehyung, walking to the door.

"I don't know, Jimin." Taehyung continued with a teasing tone. "The only time I saw you two interact, you lost the ability to speak. I think that constitutes as a crush at least."

Jimin was getting even more embarrassed by the second, now opening the door to sign that he was leaving soon. "Tae! I did not! And please, Jungkook and I aren't as close as you and that black muscle shirt of yours."

Jimin was waiting for a comeback, but it never came. He was met with dead silence. When he looked back at Taehyung, they just looked shocked. Jimin had closed the door, keeping both of them inside the room and creating some privacy.

"Tae ..."

"I ... I think I'll just stay here and snack for dinner."

Taehyung sat back down on their bed, placing their school ID on the desk and replacing it with their lab notebook once more. While doing this, they didn't look at Jimin once. Jimin knew he had said the wrong thing but wasn't sure how to fix it.

"Tae, please. You know I didn't mean anything by it."

Taehyung sighed lightly, opening up their lab notebook and grabbing their pen.

"I know."

The tension in the room grew, and Jimin didn't want to leave them both like this. He sighed before walking to sit on Taehyung's bed, the other now writing in the lab notebook once again. They were still ignoring Jimin, causing him to become anxious.

"Tae, can we talk?" After not getting a response, he spoke up again. "Please."

Jimin could tell that Taehyung was listening, since they stopped writing in the notebook. This was one of the first fights they've had together that made one of them not speak to the other. Taehyung had sighed, closing the notebook and setting it next to them.

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