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"Yoongi? Hey, Yoongi! Wake up or you'll be late. Yoongi?"

Namjoon was finishing eating his food in the common room kitchen while Jin was gathering the last of his things for school. Jin knew that Yoongi could have a hard time getting up in the morning and usually became a human alarm clock for him. Jin knocked on the door to try and get Yoongi's attention.

"He's still sleeping?" Namjoon looked towards Jin, confusion on his face.

"It looks like it. Do I go in? I don't want him to be late to class again."

Jin was always worried about Yoongi, knowing that something was going on. However, Jin was never one to push someone for information, hoping that Yoongi would eventually come to him.

"I would just peek your head in. Not too intrusive, but enough to get him up."

Jin smiled at Namjoon, thanking him for the advice before gripping the doorknob. Jin slowly turned the knob, the door creaking slightly while it opened. The room was dark due to Yoongi's blackout curtains, but Jin could make out the boy's figure on the bed. But when Jin squinted, he noticed something else.

Jin slowly closed the door, his expression showing pure confusion and embarrassment. Namjoon had never seen Jin's cheeks this pink in a long time, unsure of what Jin saw.

"Everything okay? Is he waking up?"

"I didn't try to wake him, but ..."

"But what?" Namjoon waited for Jin to continue.

"There's ... there's someone else in the bed ... with him."

Namjoon's cheeks started to dust pink, realizing now what Jin must have saw. Since he just finished eating, he walked his dishes to the sink before approaching his boyfriend.

"That is weird. Yoongi's never really hung out with anyone except us and that boy, Taehyung was it?"

Hearing the name suddenly jogged Jin's memory. Taehyung. The boy Yoongi had run into. That was it. That was him.

"Namjoon. It was him!"

Just as Namjoon was about to answer, a figure had walked out of Yoongi's bedroom. They closed the door quietly, turning around and rubbing their eyes with the back of their wrist with a large yawn escaping their lips. When the figure was met with Namjoon and Jin, it stopped immediately.

"Uhh ... Go—Good morning."

Taehyung's cheeks were pink, not expecting Yoongi's friends to be up so early. Jin smiled sweetly, trying to make the situation lose some tension.

"Morning. How are you feeling? The last time we both saw you, you were in bad shape."

"I'm feeling a lot better, thanks!"

Taehyung smiled brightly, glad that they were in the others' thoughts. Taehyung slowly walked past them to grab a granola bar from one of the cabinets. Jin and Namjoon looked confused, seeing Taehyung turn around straight for Yoongi's room again.

"Is that all you're going to eat for breakfast? You can eat whatever's in the cabinets if you want." Namjoon wanted to make sure that the younger had plenty to eat, especially after just getting out of the hospital.

"Oh, thanks, but it's not for me. It's for Yoongi. He has class soon, and I've been trying to wake him up for ages." Taehyung laughed before continuing. "He said he'd try to eat something before he leaves, so I came out to grab something small while he got changed."

Jin nodded in understanding, smiling while the younger went back towards Yoongi's room. Just as Taehyung was about to turn the doorknob, Namjoon spoke up.

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