Phone Call

477 19 67

Knock, Knock, Knock!

Yoongi and Taehyung were both startled by the sudden sound, pulling apart from each other. Even though Taehyung was looking forward to that kiss, they didn't know who was walking in.

"Hello. Sorry to interrupt, but Taehyung needs to take their medications."

The nurse came around the corner, Jimin slowly following. The nurse placed a folder on the counter and moved towards the bed. Yoongi reluctantly got off the bed, allowing the nurse to get closer to Taehyung. Yoongi joined Jimin at the back of the room.

"I tried to get you guys more time to talk stuff out, but the nurse was insistent on coming in. How'd it go?"


Yoongi didn't want to tell Jimin that they almost kissed or show any of his internal excitement. He took a deep breath, trying to control himself the best he could.

"How are you feeling, Taehyung? Any pain? Nausea? Are you eating well?"

"I feel great, especially now that they're here."

Taehyung gestured towards Jimin and Yoongi, causing the nurse to smile.

"But in all honesty, no pain, no nausea, and I've been eating as much as the staff are allowing me to."

"That's great to hear. I think the doctor wants to do one more blood test and check out your heart before we let you go for the night."

The nurse went back to Taehyung's file, dialing a number on the closest phone to call the doctor in.

"Umm ..." Taehyung wanted to ask a question but was afraid of the answer.


"When can I leave? Not that you guys aren't fun to be around, but I'd like to get back to school sooner rather than later."

This caused the nurse to laugh slightly, adoring Taehyung's timid behavior.

"Probably within the week, but it's all up to the doctor and how well you take care of yourself while you're here. You're doing a great job. So, keep it up, and you'll be out of here before you know it."

Before Taehyung could respond, the doctor walked in. She approached the nurse, looking at the file first before walking towards Taehyung.

"I see you're doing well. I'm just here to ask you some questions and get some blood."

She smiled, reassuring Taehyung that everything would be okay. Meanwhile, Yoongi and Jimin sat back, watching this all unfold. Jimin looked at Yoongi, noticing the older man biting his lip. Knowing that this can be a sign of some anxiety, Jimin decided to break the silence.

"Hey! Why don't we go get some snacks? We can let the nurses do what they need to do and get some food."

"I'm not hungry."

Yoongi crossed his arms in front of his stomach out of reflex. He made it a point to not look Jimin in the eyes, knowing that he would give in if he did. What he wasn't expecting was Jimin's next response.

"Yoongi, you have to eat. And don't think I haven't heard your stomach rumbling for the past couple minutes."

Yoongi shot his head up to look at Jimin, not expecting the other to call him out like that. He slowly put his head back down, looking at his hands in his lap.

"Look ..." Jimin put his hand on Yoongi's back, tentatively rubbing it softly. "It doesn't have to be a grand meal, but you should eat. We can also grab something for Tae. I bet they're starving."

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