The Reason Why

437 20 35


This chapter gets a little deep, and therefore, has some warnings on it:
1) Mentions of eating disorder
2) Mentions of conversion therapy

Neither of these things are glorified but are topics within the chapter. If you'd like a chapter summary without these topics mentioned, comment below/message me, and I'll find a way to send it to you!! <3

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Yoongi decided to take Taehyung back to his dorm. He knew that Namjoon and Jin would be asleep by this time, and his dorm was closer to the hospital than Taehyung's.

"Are you sure I can stay over? I just don't want to upset your roommates."

Taehyung looked at the ground and then back up at Yoongi. Yoongi looked at Taehyung softly before gently holding the other's hand and swinging it softly in the cold night air.

"Trust me, they won't care. You need to sleep"


Taehyung didn't know what else to say. After they kissed at the hospital, it was almost as if the two of them immediately became closer, almost as if a barrier had been broken down.

It wasn't long until they reached Yoongi's dorm building. Yoongi kept a soft hold of Taehyung's hand as he grabbed his ID. After swiping his ID in the correct slot, the door clicked and opened.

Taehyung knew a little about this dorm. It had three floors, four dorm rooms on each floor that shared a common living room. Yoongi was on the second floor, blessed to share the floor with Namjoon and Jin. Even though there are four bedrooms on each floor, Namjoon and Jin always shared a room, and the fourth room was currently empty.

After starting to walk up the stairs, Taehyung tried to be as quiet as they could. They didn't want to take any chances in waking someone up by accident. Yoongi's grip on Taehyung's hand became a little tighter, guiding Taehyung to his living area. Yoongi slowly got out his keys, the jingling noise amplified in the quiet space. Once the door was opened, Yoongi let go of Taehyung's hand to let them enter the room.

After closing the door, Yoongi sighed before speaking. The click of the lock could be heard in the silence.

"You must be tired. Feel free to take the empty bedroom on my side. I can get you some sheets."

Just as Yoongi was moving to his closet to get more bed sheets, Taehyung grabbed the older's shirt. Yoongi was surprised, not expecting to be held back. Taehyung's head was down, their longer hair covering their face. Yoongi wasn't sure what was going on.

"Taehyung? What's wrong."

"I ... I don't want you to hate me."

Yoongi sighed and smiled, loving how cute the younger looked in the lighting with their tousled hair.

"I could never hate you. What's going on?"

At this point, Yoongi turned back towards Taehyung, facing them head on. After Taehyung continued to look at the floor, Yoongi took both of their hands in his. Taehyung looked into Yoongi's eyes, shocked by the touch. Taehyung quickly moved in for a hug, continuing the hug as they spoke.

"Before I go to bed, can you eat something? I just want to make sure you eat."

Yoongi could feel Taehyung lower their head into Yoongi's hair, taking a deep breath. Yoongi figured the action was a response to the anxiety from asking the question. He smiled before separating himself from the younger, being sure to look in their eyes.

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