The Family

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Yoongi was now standing up, Jimin rushing to his side. They were both in awe at Taehyung having their eyes open. Yoongi didn't let go of Taehyung's hand, afraid of letting go. Namjoon and Jin, now having gripped the situation, getting the attention of the nurse in the room. Once she saw that Taehyung's eyes were open, she pressed a button to call the doctor. She then approached Yoongi and Jimin.

"I know you both want to be next to them right now, but I need to check their vitals. Remember, they're still unstable."

Jimin understood, backing away from the hospital bed. Yoongi was looking directly at Taehyung, not letting go of the other's hand. Yoongi took a deep breath, closing his eyes before letting Taehyung's hand go slowly. Taehyung's hand fell heavily onto the bed.

Just as Jimin and Yoongi went towards Jin and Namjoon in the back of the room, two doctors and two more nurses rushed into the room. One nurse was pushing a large cart in with her. The immediate commotion of the room spiked Yoongi's anxiety. Yoongi went to grip Jin's arm but grabbed Jimin's by accident. Jimin's attention was taken away from Taehyung and directed towards Yoongi.

"Yoongi? What's wrong?"

Yoongi's breathing was getting shallower. The doctors and nurses focused on Taehyung, no one noticing Yoongi going on a downward spiral. Yoongi was starting to feel lightheaded, the lack of oxygen finally catching up with him.

"Can't ... breathe."

At this point, Jin noticed what was going on. Jin jumped in front of Yoongi, slowly lowering Yoongi to sit on the floor. Once on the floor, he started a routine that he'd done with Yoongi more times than the shorter male would like to admit.

"Hey. You're going to breathe with me, okay? Breathe in ... and out. Can you breathe with me?"

Jin was looking directly into Yoongi's eyes, causing Yoongi to nod and try to follow Jin's lead. Jimin was now squatting, trying to get on eye level with Yoongi. Jimin reached out his hand, giving Yoongi the opportunity to grab it. Yoongi noticed the hand, grabbing it cautiously. He started to follow Jin's breathing exercise. At this point, one of the nurses noticed the boy struggling.

"Panic attack?"

Namjoon nodded. He knew he was better out of the way, Jin being better at handling his friend's panic attacks. The nurse knelt down similarly to Jimin.

"Relax sweetie. Keep breathing. You're doing great."

In the background, Jimin could hear the doctors discussing about taking out Taehyung's breathing tube. Taehyung was watching Yoongi on the ground, wishing they could help. However, due to the breathing tube, they were unable to speak let alone help.

Yoongi's breathing was getting better, the panic attack subsiding. Jin felt better, knowing that Yoongi's state was improving. Jimin leaned in and gave Yoongi a hug. Even though they hadn't known each other long, Jimin just wanted to comfort the other. Jimin had no idea what Yoongi went through, but he was hoping that the hug would send Yoongi the support he needed in the moment. Within a minute, Yoongi was breathing normally. The nurse smiled as she went back to help with Taehyung where the nurses and doctors were working to take the breathing tube out.

Jimin and Jin got Yoongi a chair, allowing him to sit down. They all sat helplessly as they watched the hospital staff taking out the breathing tube. The second they started pulling it out, it was obvious that Taehyung was in discomfort. Jimin wanted to run to Taehyung but was stopped by Namjoon. He only smiled, letting Jimin know that the staff was doing the best they could.

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