Severing the Red Thread 2

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wǒ de gǎn shòu yóu wǒ zhī pèi , jīn tiān wǒ xuǎn zé le kuài lè .

I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness.


After the washing of mortal dusts ceremony, Ye Qingti is assigned in Tai Chen palace under Siming. I am happy that I already paid the debt I owe to Ye Qingti and he is glad to see me too. Now we are peers. I was accompanied by Su Mo Ye and this heavenly immortals are so rabid now. Whispering gossips and spreading it not ending this day surely whatever gossip they are gossiping will reach in Dijuns palace. I want to leave the nine heavens immediately but stopped by a familiar face along the way. Zhong lin, Di juns trusted right hand man. He bowed politely and I bowed back showing a polite smile. Whatever he wants to say I better hear it then.

"Good day her highness Bai Feng Jiu. You are invited by Dong hua Di jun in Tai Chen palace."

I heard gasps. I should have made Zhong lin talk in a quite place. I saw Su Moye look at me with apprehension. I looked at him and give a comforting smile. He smiled back and nodded. I looked at Zhong lin smiled and replied,

"Ofcourse. Please lead the way."

I felt my stomach turned and palms sweaty and I asked myself again, am I really ready to face Dijun again and what does he want anyway?


After 3,000 years of waiting, I can see her again. 3,000 years fly so fast and I waited patiently just to see her. I heard from Lian Song that Xiaobai is actually the missing fox I lost. And the reason why she wants the Saha fruit that time is to pay the mortal general a debt of gratitude. This general is under my command when I had my mortal experience. I realized that Xiaobai and I have too much misunderstanding and grievances between us. I wanted to visit her but I heard Qingqiu closed off its doors to outsiders but there is a frequent visitor that comes in and goes out that made me question what relationship has Xiobai and this visitor has. Once, I visited ten-mile peach orchard of Zhe Yan and what I heard disturbed me.

"Dong hua. To what I owe you this visit?" the old phoenix looking at me like I grow horns.

"Just passing by."

I replied shortly. Zhe yan arched one if his brows in question and I just looked at him with boredom written all over my face. Zhe yan sighed defeatedly knowing he can't force nor I can give him an answer. He offered an empty seat opposite of him and offered me one of his own brewed of peach wines. Zhe Yans wine is famous in all 4 seas, 8 lands and the realms. I simply scanned around noticing no one.

"The fourth Bai is not here. "

I stated a matter of factly. Zhe Yan nodded and smiled.

"He is chaperoning his friend the second prince of the west sea Su Moye and his niece, you remember her right? Feng Jiu. Shes the queen of Qingqiu now. I dont know if you heard."

That piqued my interest. Zhe Yan is still looking at me while drinking his wine and I just nodded.

"That lad is keeping our Feng Jiu some company for over thousand of years now."

My cup stopped in mid-air and I continued to drink the wine. Why does this wine tastes bitter today? I asked myself and I saw the old phoenix smirked.

"I guess Feng Jiu will soon marry."

I looked at him with the same boring expression and I didnt speak. My thoughts are in disarray and I never realized I was actually frowning now. What broke me and my thoughts was the loud laugh of the old phoenix. He was clutching his stomach laughing hard. My frown deepened.

"What is so funny?" I asked.
"You should see your face Dong hua. I never knew Feng Jiu that naughty little fox caught you."
And he laughed again. I couldn't deny she caught me eh? I told myself.

"You know shes just a child Dong hua. " he said seriously. This old phoenix has no idea. I thought to myself.

"So?" I replied and drink another cup of wine. His eyes widened and looked at me. Really looked at me.

"Are you serious? The Bais will not take you as their son-in-law."

That offended me. Few have ever offended me since I existed but this phoenix just did.

"Why not?"

He choked on his wine cup. I looked at him insulted this time. Raising my brows in question.

"I thought you are not serious just now. Oh wow, you really thought of Feng Jiu like that."

"Of course. She will be my queen."

Then he laughed.

"You are so confident of yourself. Do you think Feng Jiu will accept you? You just knew her for a few months while she is staying in the heavens. "
This time it is my turn to smile. The old phoenix knew I seldomly show emotions and that made him serious.

"I am connected to Xiaobai on a different level." I said and poured the peach wine on my now empty cup.

"Xiao... Xiaobai? Who?" Zhe Yan asked not understanding who I am referring to. A minute and two passed, I saw the old phoenix eyes rounded and gasped. I nodded and smirked.

"Are are you the cause of her locking up for a month in the den? "

I looked at him not understanding what he said. The phoenix sighed impatiently and explained,

"Zhen-Zhen and Su Moye brought Feng Jiu one day and she is un commonly quite and then to our surprise, she locked herself for a month. A month. Without talking to any of her family members. No one really knew what happened. Her father and grand-father couldnt take what is happening, so they blasted her door and when she saw us, she just cried. That child never cried even if her father beat her many times she never did. She cried like someone died and that made her broken. Bai Yi even asked me to make her drink the amnesia potion but Feng Jiu begged her father not to. That made changes. She focused on studying and being the queen and she ascended to high immortal. So, tell me, are you the one who made her cry? If you are, dont expect the Bai clan to accept you because Im telling you now, they will not accept you."

She cried because of me? I thought. For the first time since I existed, I feel disappointed of myself. I clenched my palm.

"What will you do now? If that little fox fell inlove and forgot you-"

"Xiaobai cannot forget me that easily." I cut him off. I will not entertain that thought.

"The emperor is finally down now." Zhe yan smiled and turned serious again.

"I will ask you again, what will you do now. I am sure she has resentment towards you. I know Feng jiu since I am there while she is growing up. You may think that she will be forgiving but no. Feng Jiu is more heartless than Bai Qian. This I am sure."

I pondered on what Zhe Yan has said. We both become quite and silently drinking our wine. A thought and then a plan formulated in my head.

"Ah. She will forgive me. " I said confidently. The old phoenix smiled.

"What made you so sure now Dong hua?"

I smiled.

"If there is a will, there will always be a way." I just said.

And the old phoenix just laughed. His laugh rang in his peach orchard.

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Severing the Red Thread of Fate (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now