Severing the Red Thread 10

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家家有本难念的经。 (Jiājiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīnɡ. 'Every-family has own difficult remembered experience.') — Every family has its problems.


Taichen Goong(Palace)

Siming is walking along the garden to meet the ever revered god of all realms Dong hua Dijun for some matter but then in the hall of the receiving area, he saw Zhong Lin and his highness third heavenly Prince Lian Song. Siming stopped and observed their animated yet oh so serious hush-hush. This interest him greatly. 
"Why are the two of you here in the hall instead of the receiving area? "
Siming saw third prince Lian Song approached him in a hurried manner followed by Zhong Lin. This makes Siming worried. There must be definitely wrong with Dijun.  Siming worriedly thought.
"Have you heard or notice any strange things in the mortal realm yesterday? " third prince Lian Song asked.
Siming wracked his brain for strange anomalies but he didn't find any so he answered in all honesty.
"Are you sure?" third prince asked again.
"I didn't remember anything strange or even abnormality in my scrolls or gossip even. " Siming said with conviction. Then he saw the worry etched in third prince Lian Song and Zhong lin's faces.
"What is this about? " Siming is dying of curiosity at this point. Then Zhong lin came closer and in a hushed voice he said,
"Last night, his highness Dong hua Dijun arrived from the mortal realm. With him is her highness Bai Feng Jiu of Qingqiu."
Siming's eyes widened remembering the gossip yesterday about his highness Dong hua Dijun and her highness Bai Feng Jiu.He understood the refusal of her highness not wanting to see him or Cheng Yu 3,000years ago and speaking of Cheng Yu she came running and huffing.
"Are we at war? Why are you running? Catch your breath first. " Lian Song said and eyed the huffing Cheng Yu.
Zhong lin continued talking,
"I remember calling her highness after the washing off ceremony and then left them in highness Dijun's study. When I came to bring refreshments, his highness Dijun and her highness is nowhere to be seen. I looked and searched discreetly and even asked the dieties who guarded the mortal realm but they haven't heard or seen either of them. I waited on the garden and suddenly his highness appeared and on his arms he is carrying the sleeping highness Bai Feng Jiu."
Siming and Cheng Yu gasped and the four look at each other still not believing what they heard.
"His highness let her highness sleep on his bed.  I asked his highness if he wants to sleep on a spare room but he said Do you think a husband must sleep on another room separate from his wife? Leave us. I just left instantly still not understanding the situation. Early this morning, a diety protecting one of the sacred mountains came and informed me that his highness has actually stayed and made a home for almost half a year in the mortal realm with a beautiful lady. I connected the dots and realized that his highness Dijun and her highness Bai Feng Jiu eloped and stayed alone in the mortal realm for 6months."

Now Cheng Yu,  Lian Song and Siming got tongue tied. The first who broke the silence is Lian Song, "Na, where are they now?"
Siming and Cheng Yu waited for Zhong Lin,
"They are on their way to Qingqiu."
Cheng Yu's eyes widened then laughed while Siming is still digesting all the information he just heard and Lian Song closed his fan and he smiled and said "Crafty Dong hua. Very crafty. "

Peach tree woods

Zhe Yan and Zhen-zhen are preparing their departure to the nine-heavens. They will be the ones who will bring Xiaojiu back since they waited for her to return overnight but just got disappointed.

As they are walking to exit the peach tree wood, they felt it. The aura of two immortals and the other one is definitely...
Zhen-zhen and Zhe Yan looked at each other surprised.

"4th uncle, Zhe Yan. " the two heard Xiaojiu's excited voice calling them. They instantly turned and much so surprised seeing the person who was with Xiaojiu.

"Dong hua." Zhe Yan saw him gave a curtsy nod and gave Zhen-zhen a much more formal bow. Zhe Yan's right eyebrow arched at this.

"Greetings to his highness Dong hua Dijun."
Zhen-Zhen gave Dong hua the respectable curtsy.

"Where have you been? We've been so worried. " Zhen-zhen said still eyeing Dong hua.  Xiaojiu released an nervous and awkward laugh then turn to look at Dong hua.

She just disappeared for a whole day and now they're together? Zhe yan thought to himself.

"Thank you for personally bringing back Xiaojiu to us Dijun. " Zhen zhen said and bowed.

"No worries. I came today to really discuss with you something very important." Dong hua said in his usual tone and un-readable face.

This surprised Zhen-zhen and I.

"Did...did Xiaojiu caused you or Taichen Goong some problems?" Zhen-zhen asked but I remembered the last time Dong hua came to my peach orchard and mentioned Xiaojiu. I smiled. So he really did convince Xiaojiu this time. I just waited for him to say the words.

"No actually. I am here to inform the rest of the elder's of the Bai clan to ask Xiaobai's hand in marriage. " Dong hua said without blinking his eyes or even pausing.

Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen is stunned. They never expected that the revered god is very upfront. Feng Jiu clutched one of Dijun's hand and Dijun looked at her. At that moment,  Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen saw for the very first time, that this ancient god really show that kind of expression for another immortal.Soft eyes and a little smile. Just for their Xiaojiu. Xiaojiu smiled back at Dijun and clearly, the two are inlove.

Bai Zhen never imagined that his niece could make the unmovable god fall for her. Since, he and his 5th sister Bai Qian,  doted and took care of Feng Jiu, all they want is her happiness and what is best for her. But since they already knew who caused that 3,000 years worth of isolation in Qingqiu, Bai Zhen must confer this to his elders and let them decide. Since, the one asking their Xiaojiu's hand in marriage is not just an ordinary immortal,  this is Dong hua Dijun,  the emperor and the unifier of all realms.
Bai Zhen didn't say anything more and just bowed and magicked himself back to Qingqiu to inform his third brother Bai Yi and their father Bai Zi.

Zhe Yan understood the silence of Zhen-Zhen and the haste.  This issue must be discussed immediately. He called Xiaojiu and said,

"Xiaojiu, prepare us some refreshments will you? " Xiaojiu looked at him and Dong hua and he saw Dong hua nodded and smiled.
Ah Love. Love. It can make the unmovable move. Zhe Yan mused. When Zhe Yan is sure that Xiaojiu is out of earshot, he asked Dong hua still walking side by side.

"I never expected that you're going to act so fast. Impatient aren't we Dong hua?"
Zhe Yan saw Dong hua looked at him and smirked.
"3,000 years is enough for an impatient man like me. " Dong hua said and Zhe Yan gave a snort.
"Are you going to be the negotiator of my marriage? " Dong hua asked.
"Your sense of humor is getting better as thousands of years go by Dong hua. " Zhe Yan said in mirth but stopped walking and faced Dong hua and said "Expect that the Bai clan will give you a hard time Dong hua.  Xiaojiu is the only grandchild of the Bai clan. "
Zhe Yan saw Dong hua looked at the sky and released a deep sigh.
"They will definitely approve of me. "
"This again Dong hua? "
"But ofcourse.  I plan two steps ahead of anyone."

The two old pals eyed each other.  And proceeded to walk to Zhe Yan's  hut and then, they just saw Feng Jiu put on the tea set on the table and Feng Jiu waved at them to hurry up. Zhe Yan caught Dong hua's soft expression again looking back at Xiaojiu. He realized that Dong hua is indeed not just inlove but deeply inlove towards the youngest of the Bai's.

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