Severing the Red thread 5

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一步一个脚印。 (Yībù yīgè jiǎoyìn. 'one step one footprint') — Every step makes a footprint.

A little impatience will spoil great plans. This mortal proverb is indeed true to what is happening to me right now.  I sighed.  Because of my impatience and not respecting my elders maybe god is punishing me for my impertinence. I sighed again. How did it come to this?

Mountains and sea of clouds. A breath-taking scenery is all that is. I can feel that this mountain also emits spiritual energy. I forgot the name of this said spiritual mountain as Dijun mentioned once. I never expected that such a scenery existed in the mortal realm. Beautiful and peaceful.

After that confrontation and talk about the boldness of Dijun abducting and intending on marrying me, he never breached the subject again and I dont want to further add the list of the shameful things I did so, I didnt open up about the subject also.

Its been 3 months here in the mortal realm since that happened and it feels like its a dream now. Sometimes, I think that Dijun wants to punish me for being insolent as to say that he wants to marry me. I sighed.

I dont want to go back and raise my expectations and just be disappointed and broken-heartedagain. If that will happen this time, I cant fix me or my broken heart anymore and I may not survive. I am afraid. It is normal to be afraid of the unknown but if that unknown will result to another broken heart how will I pick up myself after?

Dong Hua Dijun is slowly becoming like an obsession that is not healthy to my well being. I tried severing all emotions, thoughts and especially ties. It's as if Dijun is teasing my senses by abducting and saying he will marry me. I deeply sighed.

Sighing and deep thinking are the only things I can do these past few days and month. Thinking back of that confrontation, I relaxed knowing that a year in the mortal realm is equivalent to a day in the immortal realm. I just hoped that Ill be missing for just a day in the immortal realm as to not worry Su Moye. Oh she remembered Su Moye now. She stood and looked for Dijun.

She found Dijun lounging and sleeping near a pond with a book on his face. Usual Dijun. She mused. She stopped beside Dijun and feigned a cough. Dijun didnt move or stir. She decided to squat and reach the book thats covering his face.

When she held the book, she slowly removed it off his face but Dijun held her hand that is holding the book. He pulled her and she landed on top of him. Feng Jiu got a little bit surprised and irritated. When she looked at Dijun, Feng Jiu realized that they are in a scandalous position with her on top of a lying Dijun. Feng Jius eyes widened and gasped. She hurriedly want to get off him but that stopped when she heard him say,

"Did you miss being intimate with me that you are being bold right now especially the sun is still high up in the sky?"

that serious face of Dijun said just that and Feng Jius face reddened in embarrassment. She didnt reply but tried to stand again but Dijun held her hips so she is still lying on top of him.

"Dijun please let me up. This is not appropriate. Feng Jiu said in a quite whisper."
Then Feng Jiu looked at Dijun and saw him smiled at her. One of his hand is at the back of his head. Then he replied looking at her, "Oh? Weve kissed and hugged. We are on that level now Xiaobai. "

Hope. It is there again and wants to blossom but Feng Jiu doesnt want that. She doesn't want to play along with Dijun this time so she will just tell him the reason why she came here in the first place. She refused to be side-tracked and she must be mindful of every action and every word Dijun will say. She might forget again and be broken if she dared to hope.

"I didn't agree on marrying you yet Dijun and it doesnt mean you kidnapped me, you can get away of not wooing me first. Hmmp. " She jumped, stood and folded her arms on her chest.

To Feng Jiu's surprise, Dijun laughed at her. His laugh rang all over the place. She felt insulted and frowned at him.

"What is so funny Djiun?"

"I am in the middle of wooing you Xiaobai. I abducted you remember? Its just you and I in this whole mountain. You can have me at your beck and call and- "
Dijun stood and slowly walked towards her. She slowly stepped back and as much as she wanted to retreat more, she is already cornered in a large boulder behind her. She just looked at Dijun helplessly.

"- you can do whatever you want with me since Iwill be your husband." Dijun stopped inches Infront of her. Feng jiu gasped and replied irritation is written all over her face. "You? Are you sure I want you to be my husband? No, dont answer that. You change subject all the time and you are not being fair here. I want to talk to you and listen, dont try to interrupt me or I will be violent towards you."  Feng jiu said with finality and she saw Dijun smirked.

Feng jiu went ahead and said,
" We need to go back now okay? Maybe you dont know but someone-" she saw Dijuns face darkened and still continue speaking

"-is waiting back at me in heaven. If I will not comeback there within a day, he will surely report it to Qingqiu and to my family."

To her surprise Dijun caged his arms her in the middle and the boulder at her back. And for the very first time she shivered and felt afraid of him. She can feel a murderous aura surrounding him. In a quite and scary husky voice he said,

"Better make HIM report back to Qingqiu. So that all the realms will know that it is I who kidnapped you. And your family and you can't do anything but accept me. Your family accept me as the future consort of their queen and you..."

I gulped when his face is merely an inch towards mine.

"...and me are going to marry. I didnt wait for 3,000 years just to be turned down Xiaobai. I am very familiar of what is mine and I don't like sharing Xiaobai. Whoever that him is, you better cut ties with him. "

Then he kissed her. That kind of kiss that is hungry, punishing and deep.

Oh Feng Jiu, Dijun really wants to marry you! That was what she thought excitedly before her brain was engulfed with Dijun's delicious kiss.

Oh Feng Jiu, Dijun really wants to marry you! That was what she thought excitedly before her brain was engulfed with Dijun's delicious kiss

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