Severing the Red Thread 20

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Bai Zhi Dijun POV

After we settled the issue of that loathsome demon Miao Luo and the destructive Miaoyi chasm, Mo Yuan and his twin, my now son-in law Ye Hua,  retreated back to Kunlun and decided to slowly purify the chasm for next seven days straight. My only daughter Qian-Qian and grand-son A-li, decided to stay by her husband's side in Kunlun. Another problem is being discussed now by the family,  and that is Xiaojiu's pregnancy.

After that Nie Chuyin suddenly ambushed Xiaojiu and got hurt in the process, Zhen-Zhen, Qian-Qian and Ye hua rushed Xiaojiu back here in Bihai Canglin. Before Xiaojiu lost her consciousness, she was determined to keep the fetus safe. She made Zhe Yan and the rest of the family swear that we need to protect the existence of the child in her womb.

Zhe Yan checked Xiaojiu and my future grand son and thankfully, both the spirit and fetus of my grandson is strong and unharmed. We released a sigh of relief. Zhe Yan concocted a special medicine that can help Xiaojiu recover without harming and disturbing the fetus.  Zhe Yan also throw a magic on the fetus to conceal it from everyone.

"Do you think Dong hua will not detect or see this? He is as good as you when it comes to creating wards." I asked worriedly. The old phoenix just smirked then replied,

"His cultivation is almost depleted Bai Zhi. As per your son in-law Ye hua's words, the estimation of Dijun's cultivation is at 5%. He is already like an ordinary immortal at this point. And besides, I used one of those sophisticated magic that neither you my friends have ever heard off or seen. I may look like lazying the past thousands of years in my ten peach mile orchard, but I didn't stop being the medicine god."

I sighed with relief again. I looked at Xiaojiu feeling sad of her situation. She is somewhat in coma. I also don't agree to hide Xiaojiu's pregnancy to Dong hua but since Xiaojiu is already married, I can't just decide this problem for her.

"By the way Bai Zhi, where is that Nie Chuyin now? " asked the ever curios Zhe Yan.

I loudly snorted annoyed at these pesky demons trying to hurt my family but I still replied,

"Qian-Qian and Zhen-Zhen already destroyed that pesky demon. He is too bold to think he can fight two high-gods and one is a direct descendant of immortal father. He was just asking for a death sentence and you know that Qian-Qian and Zhen-zhen are like the second parents of Xiaojiu, they will not stop until they can avenge Xiaojiu. Well, my two children easily annihilated that demon." I loudly sighed.

"I don't want to encounter another headache and threat for the next thousands of years and seriously, I don't mind going back to that boring mundane lives we have. I hope peace will be with all the realms from now on."

Zhe Yan nodded and silently agreed on what I have said. Then we saw Dong hua coming in the room. I felt the volatility and uncertainty of his aura. Since the much depleted of his cultivation, his aura and emotions are readable to those around him and since Dong hua is thick faced and thick skinned, I doubt if he cares what people thought of him at the moment.

He is still Dong hua Dijun the master of the universe and unifier of realms but still it irritates me that he snatched my grand daughter under our noses. I sighed again thinking that one of my friends became one of the son in-laws of Qingqiu. Very ludicrous. I thought.  But what else can we do?

When ninetailed foxes fall in-love, it will be forever and we only have an eye for one and that is whom we chose to be mated for the whole eternity and in Xiaojiu's case, it was Dong hua whom she fell in-love with.

"Done meditating Dong hua? " it was Zhe Yan who spoke. I saw Dong hua nodded back at the old phoenix but his eyes are solely fixed on Xiaojiu.

I shook my head. Dong hua fell so deep for our Xiaojiu and this compensates what Dong hua did to the family. He has been so hands-on in taking care of Xiaojiu and only left her side when he needs to medidate. He is on this for almost 5 straight days now. Dong hua is proudly wearing his heart and devotion on his sleeve for everybody to see. Fine it moved me and the rest of the family. I thought.

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