The Aftermath 1

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Bai Feng Jiu POV

It's been months since Dijun came back from his 300 years seclusion. Dijun is an amazing father towards Gun-gun. He always indulges Gun-gun especially that Gun-gun has a lot of questions towards his father about the immortal realm. One day, Dijun and I was lounging infront on the Pundarika pond and then Dijun looked at me seriously and said,

"What have you been teaching Gun-gun for the past years that he has a lot of questions for me? "

I scratched my head and awkwardly smiled and replied,

"How to cook. How to fish. How to hunt and how to play? " I stopped and looked up thinking of other things I taught Gun-gun.

Then I saw Dijun closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. It's as if he is having an head ache. I looked at him worriedly.

"Are you okay? " I asked.

Dijun held his hand as if saying, STOP.
Then he looked at me and to my surprise, he squished both of my cheeks. I looked at Dijun's face and his jaw bones and chiseled cheeks are both moving as if he wants to squish my cheeks more but trying his might not to hurt me.

He then relented and eyed me. Then I looked at him while holding both of my abused cheeks. Slowly, he lowered down his head and it brought a blush to my cheeks this time. Then I told him in a whisper,

"Dong hua, it is still daytime... "

I saw him released that naughty smile of his and he whispered on my ear,

"What do you think I will do Xiaobai. Hmmm?"

I closed my eyes when I felt Dijun nuzzled his nose on my sensitive ears. I closed my eyes and I felt a delicious shiver ran down like an electricity all over my body. Dijun released a chuckle. Then in a whisper he replied,

"You... Are sooo adorable Xiaobai. But please, don't dumb down the intelligence of our son. "

My eyes opened and widened at that then I felt furious and insulted. Dijun just smirked back at me and walked away holding one of his finished buddhist sutras. And here I am,
I felt defeated that I wanted to cry.


When Bai Gun-gun was first introduced to the Bai family, the little boy was a little bit overwhelmed. He never knew that his mother Jiu has a large branch of loud and roudy family members. The family has a tradition that the family members only witnessed and this is out of public's eye.

The Bai clan welcomed the newest addition to the clan, Bai Da Gun.

Bai- Clear White
Da- Intelligent

Gun-gun learned that his great grand father Bai Zhi Dijun is an emperor of vast lands and riches. Aside from knowing that his Father Dong hua is also an emperor, he learned that Father Dong hua is much much more older than his great grand father Bai Zhi. Gun-gun is having a hard time digesting all of this overload of information. Gun -gun can only scratch his head.

The official welcoming ceremony of the newest member held inside the Qingqiu fox den and then Gun gun saw his great grand father and great grand mother on the side. On the other side is Gun-gun's grand father and mother and followed by his grand mother aunt Bai Qian and four other good looking grand father uncles.

His father Dong hua and grand father uncle In-law Ye hua is on the side together with his great uncle A-li and great grandpa Zhe Yan.

Then Gun-gun's great grand father spoke,

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