Severing the Red Thread 19

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Dong hua Dijun POV

A long meditation is what it took for me to calm my chaotic mind and emotions . Hearing that Xiaobai is hurt is so painful. Like someone cut me deep within and with an un-seen wound, it left me to bleed.

Since I was rendered weak and my cultivation nearly depleted plus I thought I was going to die, I got all sensitive and my emotions got volatile.

When I made sure that I am stable enough, I ended my meditative state. When I opened my eyes, my first thought is Xiaobai. I looked around and realized that I was at the cliff and infront is the sea of clouds, the entrance of Fanyin Valley.

I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled the clean air. Not a single residue of the Miaoyi Chasm. Then I heard footsteps. Unhurriedly calm footsteps that stopped a meter away from my back. Eyes still closed, I spoke,

"How did you figure it out? To trap the Miaoyi chasm in Kunlun Zhe Yan?"
I heard the old phoenix chuckled and I felt him sat beside me.

"We actually didn't know. It was all a gamble of Ye hua, Mo Yuan and I. "

I opened my eyes and eyed Zhe Yan raising my left brow at this. The old phoenix sighed loudly. Then he looked at the vast sea of clouds and said,

"I don't have that analytical ability like you and Mo Yuan posses Dong hua. You can ask about more of this from Mo Yuan back in Kunlun. For now, we only trap it in Kunlun and good thing that Kunlun posses the spiritual ability to slowly purify the chasm. But it still requires your skills and cultivation though to really clear the chasm every 300 years and as what the twins has said, you almost depleted your cultivation. So for now, both of them is taking the responsibility of purifying the chasm. "

Then a stretch of long silence. I looked at the sky and sighed. I know what to do to bring my cultivation back but it means, I'll be leaving Xiaobai... Again.

"You do know that for you to continue doing your duties, you need your cultivation back and to get your cultivation back is... "

"I know what to do Zhe Yan. " I cut him off.

"Where is that spiteful woman? " I suddenly remembered Miaoluo. I saw the old phoenix smiled. He looks very pleased with himself. I thought.

"Oh, don't worry on the small matters Dong hua. Okay fine. Stop looking at me like that." the old phoenix huffed. I smirked. Clearly he is irritated.

"Since she's the very first person to take that poison I just created, she just died slowly and painfully." Zhe Yan nonchalantly replied and just shrugged.

"Being called the medicine god, that method you did, is that a little bit, ungodly?" I asked.

A small smile appeared in my face knowing I am slowly irking the old phoenix. I saw the old phoenix rolled his eyes in annoyance and stood, walking out on me. I shook my head and then suddenly in a serious tone he replied,

"Are you going to check on Xiaojiu?"
Remembering Xiaobai made me dart up and follow the old phoenix.

"What happened?" I asked with worry laced in my voice. While Zhe yan and I started to walk, he said,

"You gave her a ring made from your heart but she used that ring to track you down. Xiaojiu wants to come here and fight Miao luo too." My eyes slightly widened. Fear crept in my heart.

"So Ye hua, Qian-Qian and Zhen-zhen tracked her and planned to bring her back. Luckily, Xiaojiu stopped in my peach.tree woods to do that tracking thing using your ring and the three prevented Xiaojiu from leaving. When they reasoned out to Xiaojiu, Qian-Qian took the ring from Xiaojiu, afraid that Xiaojiu will change her mind and will took off again. When they are on their way back to Bihai Canglin, one of Miaoluo's followers, that demon Nie Chuyin ambushed them. He knew that part of Xiaojiu's spirit is from Miaoluo's blood tear. Xiaojiu was hurt in the process of extracting the blood tear off her. "

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