Severing the Red Thread 11

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不作不死。(Bù zuò bù sǐ. 'Not do not die.') - If you don't do stupid things you won't end up in tragedy.
-This Chinese web saying is recorded in the Urban Dictionary. It's like: "Don't poke the bear."


Qingqiu, Fox Den

Draw. The marriage negotiation is like becoming a chess game to the onlookers especially to Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen. Both Bai Yi and Bai Zi are relentless towards his revered highness Dong hua Dijun. Dijun's face is still un-readable and on the side is the nervous FengJiu with her mother and grandmother. They all knew that Bai Yi and Bai Zi both have short tempers and it is a miracle that none of the two raised their voices yet or on their feet.

"We've been old friends Dong hua. You, Zhe Yan, Mo Yuan and I were under father immortals tutelage. I will understand if you come to me first instead coming to my grand-daughter.". Bai Zi, the fox emperor, the head of the Bai Clan is stating their relationship, it seems he is offended that Dong Hua didn't even hint them or anything about having an eye for their youngest.

Dong hua's face is still un-readable. He is the epitome of the saying calmness in facing the adversary. Dong hua looked at Bai Zi and Bai Yi then replied, "You all know that I was the cause of Xiaobai's locking-in for 3000 years. And I was waiting for her...patiently on those 3000 years. Since she even refused to talk to her friends Siming and Cheng Yu, how do you think I can clear the misunderstandings between us when Xiaobai refused them. How can she face me? " the den got silent. Dong hua then just continued,
"You know I am an impatient man. I don't care on most matters but its good that my impatience stood for Xiaobai for 3000 years. When I got the opportunity, so I grabbed it. We talked. Since Xiaobai has a habit of fleeing, I abducted her to the mortal realm and clear our 3000years worth of misunderstandings. "

"What did you say?!" It was Bai Zi's angry voice bellowed and rang through the whole fox den. He was on his feet now too even Bai Yi followed. Their faces are all in shock and red in anger.

Are you burrying yourself alive Dong hua? I thought it's impressing the in-laws is your goal, not agitating them! Zhe Yan thought getting stressed too. Zhe Yan held Bai Zhen's arm knowing the statement Dong hua made is making him disturbed too.
In Zhe Yan's mind, Dong hua is indeed the master trickster. By abducting Xiaojiu can accomplish Dong hua two things, clear the misunderstanding and lay claim on Xiaojiu. If the news break's out that Dong hua abducted the young Queen, there will be no one who will dare go against Dong hua especially marriage proposals of other immortal men will stop on coming.Mind over matter indeed. Now Zhe Yan knew why Dong hua is over-confident.

Then most of them in the den haven't recovered from what Donghua had just news dropped, then he dropped another news that made everyone mute.

"By now, the gossip has spread of me and Xiaobai being together for almost half a year in the mortal realm in the 9heavens, 4seas and 8lands. So by showing my truest of true intentions that Xiaobai matters to me greatly, I registered Xiaobai and I's marriage to the lady Nuwa, the day I abducted Xiaobai." Dong hua said still calm and sat there drinking his tea like what he said is just nothing. And Dong hua held his hand and lay on the table a scroll containing the marriage is indeed valid.

Zhe Yan shook his head. Shameless and thick skinned. Nothing can defeat Dong hua in this aspect. What a dangerous combination. Zhe Yan wants to laugh but swallowed it. Zhe yan thought that Bai Zi will hyperventilate but to his surprise he saw Bai Zi's proud shoulders slumpped down and just released sa defeated sigh and sat down.
"We will talk the terms of the marriage ceremony Dong hua together with Xiaojiu's parents ofcourse." Bai Zi said calmly.

The den saw Dong hua dijun smiled. A victorious smile. Feng Jiu came to Dong hua's side and to their surprise again, Feng jiu caressed Dong hua's head and Dong hua just raised his head and the rest in the den watched the smiling faces of Feng Jiu and Dong hua.

Bai Zi and Bai Yi realized that the two are deeply inlove. Bai Zi just released another sigh and shook his head in defeat and Bai Yi, still wants to argue since it's his daughter,  his only child they are talking. But seeing the deep affection the recluse god is showing infront of them, he relented. This is the first time that Dong hua Dijun is showing this kind of expression to another. Who is he to stop the love of these two?
"Xiaojiu,  go with your mother and grandmother, help them prepare a meal.  Your father, Dong hua and I will talk on the terms of your marriage ceremony. "
They saw their Xiaojiu nodded excitedly.

Before leaving Feng Jiu remembered something and sat beside Dijun and whispered to his ear.
"Later tonight, I'll take you outside and show you the stars here in Qingqiu. "
Feng Jiu saw Dijun nodded and smiled at her and she just smiled back.

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