Severing the Read Thread 14

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爱之深,责之切。(Ài zhī shēn zé zhī qiē. 'love's deep, discipline's cutting') — Love deep, chastise deep.

This is the Chinese proverb for "tough love"


Bai Feng Jiu POV

Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined. The past few months with Dijun is a dream come true. The past weeks with him here in Qingqiu and Bihai Canglin is a bliss. But that bliss was shortly lived. 

As a I sat here, wondering why he hadn't come,  it made my heart slowly sunk. Mother  is worried for me while father and grandfather is enraged. I just sat here waiting. No matter what, I will wait for him to come. Even if he'll be late, I will accept his reasons no matter what. I will turn a blind-eye for his tardiness. That is what love is all about right? You must trust and believe your other half. That is what I thought. But, the hour for the ceremony has passed, there is no word or a shadow of Dijun. Zhe Yan, the first ancient phoenix looked at me sadly.  My mother's face is showing pity towards me. My father is speechless and he just walked out. And my grandfather, he was releasing all the profane words he knew back at Qingqiu.

I held my head high. I'll wait and wait for Dijun since he promised me. I smiled at the people who surrounded me. I want to ease their worries. But deep down, the questions and doubts are rising.  All I did is sat and wait. As the people surrounding me dissipate, suddenly, Star lord Siming appeared.  I jumped to my feet, smiled and excitedly stand inches away from Siming. Siming's demeanor is obviously not in the joyous mood. The smile on my face slowly turned down. 

"Where is Dijun? " I whispered. Siming looked at me and slowly handed me a rolled missive. I didn't take it right away, instead, I looked at it then looked at Siming. Siming just said,  "Take it your highness. His majesty Dijun made me swear that no matter what, you will receive this. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, your highness..."

My heart beats painfully fast at his words. My hand shook as I slowly took the missive. I slowly opened it and there, the clear words of Dijun.  I read it silently and tried understanding every word Dijun has written. But it slowly breaks my heart and shattered it to pieces. This time, my tears roll down non-stop. After reading, I looked at Siming, incredulity written all over my face while shaking my head and came a whimper from me.

Star lord Siming

As one of Taichen Goong's steward, I, Star lord Siming just broke not only the heart but the spirit of her highness Bai Feng Jiu of Qingqiu. I never ever want to be the bearer of the bad news but since his majesty Dijun thought her highness and I's friendship, he entrusted me, this big responsibility.

After knowing that Miao lou broke out,  Dijun instructed the nine heavens with the heavenly king Tianjun to be vigilant,  alerting the 4 seas. His majesty Dijun said that if the situation is becoming more difficult, we have to inform Bai Zhi Dijun,  the emperor of the 8 lands last. Every immortal knew that Bai Zhi Dijun is more powerful than that of Tianjun as the 8lands hold more power than the 9heavens.

I picked up the missive that her highness Feng Jiu dropped and in a blink of an eye a light  came out of the missive and in that light, appeared a ring. Her highness Feng Jiu, stopped her crying and slowly approached me still holding the missive. She slowly raised her hand and then she touched the ring. Her highness Feng Jiu, looked at the ring. Then her tears started to fall again.

The ring is intricately designed with a full on bloom phoenix flower.

Then Siming heared her highness Feng Jiu spoke while tears continuously streamimg down her face

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Then Siming heared her highness Feng Jiu spoke while tears continuously streamimg down her face. 

"Did you know that Dijun asked me what I want as a wedding present when we where still in Bihai Canglin? I absent mindely shared a story I learned from the mortal realm, that, when a man wants to show his deep love and sincerity, the man will offer his heart to the woman he loves."

I saw her highness Feng Jiu smiled at the ring fondly and continued talking,

"Dijun just offered me his heart and his sincerity. This ring is made a part of his heart..." then her highness Feng Jiu just slumpped down on the floor hugging to her chest the ring that is made of his highness Dijun's heart and she just whimpered and cried.

Then came her highness mother, father, his highness Zhe Yan and his highness Bai Zhen in the room and immediately went down to her highness Feng Jiu. 

"What is happening? Why is she crying? " it was his highness Zhe Yan who asked me with panick and worry in his voice.

I may be the walking encyclopedia of the whole realms but I don't intend on reading missives that are not intended for me. So, I just gave the missive to his highness Zhe Yan and came beside him is his highness Bai Zhen.

As his highness Zhe Yan read the missive,  his highness Bai Zhen looked at me angrily and in a controlled voice he said,
"Where is Dong hua Dijun now? "
I just replied, "Miao lou. "

Both his highness Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan looked at me recognizing the name. And to my surprise his highness Zhe Yan said,
"Does Dong hua no care for his life or even Xiaojiu's life? There are still other powerful god's and goddesses out there. Why does he intend to take care of this problem on his own. "

That is what his third highness Lian Song, Zhonglin and I thought. His majesty Dijun has the attitude of suffering in silence and doing everything on his own and he doesn't want any help or assistance except when he asked for them. Then his highness Zhe Yan said, 
"Go to Kunlun and tell Mo Yuan to come here in Bihai Canglin immediately."
Then I asked again, "If his highness Mo Yuan will ask why, what will I say?"
His highness Zhe Yan smiled wickedly and looked at me and said,  "Tell Mo Yuan that, It is time to knock sense in Dong hua's head. He will understand what I mean right away. "

Siming gave his respects to the high-god Zhe Yan and before he left, he stole a glance at her highness Feng Jiu who is still slumpped on the floor, eyes red and still distraught. Siming looked at the missive and wonder,  what his majesty Dijun has written that brought her majesty down.


This is what the Phoenix Flower looks like.

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