Severing the Red Thread 3

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身正不怕影子斜。(Shēnzhèng búpà yǐngzi xié. 'body straight not fear shadow slanting') - One who stands straight doesn't fear a crooked shadow.


Tai Chen palace. It's been so long. I silently thought. It brought a sad smile to my face. So memories. Happy mixed with sad ones.
As I walk behind Zhong Lin, this dread is making me more and more want to escape but I don't want to be a coward and I really want to sever ties with Dijun. Once and for all, I need to face the music. I didn't realize that Zhong lin is speaking and he called my name again.

"Your highness?"
"Oh I'm sorry. I was just thinking of something.

Zhong lin smiled politely and gestured for me to come in. So Dijun and I will talk on his study. I mused. As I walked with my eyes downcasted and stopped 2 feet away.

"Bai Feng Jiu of Qingqiu is greeting his highness Dong hua Di jun. " I bowed my head and not raised it up waiting for Dijun to acknowledge my presence. A minute, two and three passed but I didn't hear any.
Is he busy reading his buddhism scripts that he didn't hear me? I raised my eyes slowly and I saw him looking at me with that boring look on his face...again. As handsome as ever. I sighed. Blinking my eyes and then irritation came. Why doesnt he age and looks like that?

"Are you done admiring me? " he said in a teasing tone and my eyes widened and I gasped. I clenched my fist and replied,
"3,000 years has passed and you are still shameless. " I didn't wait for him to say anything and I just sat opposite of him poured a tea on the cup and drink. Oh well manners be damned. The sooner I can end this, the better.

"You've become shameless too. " he replied. I looked at him frowning now. Dijun can still affect me like this.
"What? " I asked.
"Sitting there without being invited to sit. "
"And you want me to just stand there and wait for you to speak?" I said calmly yet my temper starts to show. My palms is sweating more now. When will this end. I grumbled.
Suddenly, Dijun casted a ward. I realized a soundproof ward. He just looked at me and to my surprise he pushed the table aside grabbed me and making me sit on his lap.
My eyes widened and I gasped. I am so speechless now. All the thoughts just flew out. I can feel Dijun's hand on my waist and his other hand slowly carresing my face. My face and his are inches apart. The last time we are this close was in Fanyin Valley and it made my broken heart beat again... I tried to move but he securely held me.

"Don't move Xiaobai. " he whispered. I gasped again.
"You've grown and become more beautiful since the last time I saw you. " it rendered me speechless now. I didn't imagine that the cold and unmovable rock emperor can actually say flowery words like this.
"Tell me Xiaobai, have you forgotten me? "
I frowned. Still speechless.
"Red really suits you. " then he looked at my face down to my chest and down to my feet. Then I heard him whisper,
"You are growing. "
"What? " i replied.
"Dijun, this is so unlike you. I don't understand."
"Are you trying to seduce me now Xiaobai because I am seduced now. "
I gasped again then I tried to move out from his grasp but his hold tightened more on my waist.
"Dijun please let me go. Remember that I am a queen now. If someone will come in-"
"Oh but no one will come in Xiaobai. This ward is not only sound proof but also it blends to the environment. We have all the privacy we need. "
Why does that sound... Erotic? Suddenly I felt dizy.
"Dijun please let me go now. Su Moye is waiting for me." I mumbled.
Because I was dizy, I am not sure if I saw it or just an imagination but Dijun's face is angry.
"You will stay with me Xiaobai. You will stay with me... " that is all I heard before loosing my consciousness.

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Severing the Red Thread of Fate (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now