Severing the Red Thread 21

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Bai Feng Jiu POV

300 years ago when I woke up, Dong hua is not on the side of my bed anymore. I was shocked but then, the feeling of abandonment seeped in. I cried and cried and cried. Father and mother consoled me and explained the what and why's of Dijun leaving me. I really get them. My brain understands the reason but my heart is refusing to accept it.

My parents reminded me of keeping the worries and sadness aside for I need to be strong for my little one... Dijun and I's product of love. It gave me a little consolation that even if Dijun is not on my side, atleast a part of him is with me always, apart from the ring he had gifted me.

"Xiaojiu why haven't you told Dijun about your pregnancy and that he'll be a father soon?"

It was my mother who asked me this. I saw father looked up and waiting for my reply. This was the time when I determinedly pushed myself to be better for myself and for the baby. I just replied,

"The night before he left, he told me about his cultivation and his disrupted emotions. I know he needs to cultivate back mother. If I revealed my pregnancy at that point, I don't think he will leave me. I maybe unreasonable and I hated the fact that he left, but I don't want him to choose between me and his duties."

My mother and father nodded agreeing on my decision. I also informed my family that I wanted to have more experience in the mortal realm. My parents we're against it but it was grandmother and grandfather who supported me through and through. Mother and father can only sigh and hesitantly, they let me go with a magical missive than we can communicate.

Zhe Yan gave me medicinal pills, for my journey and especially for the well-being of my child and me. Everyone I know wish me well. I went to Taichen Goong and informed Siming and Zhong Lin that I'll be going to the mortal realm. They wished me well.
Cheng Yu and I had a mini reunion and she said in puzzlement,

"Why aren't you drinking alcohol? Is it not to your liking?" she asked.

I just smiled and replied, "You know I just recently recovered from an ordeal. Strict rules for me not to drink any alcoholic beverages." then I laughed. Cheng Yu thankfully didn't probed more and we just continued chatting the night away.

Mortal Realm (300 years later)

"I am home mother."

I smiled hearing the voice of my son Bai Da Gun. I just call him, Gun-gun. I squatted down on his level and caressed his cute little head.

Gun-gun is a quite, observant and mature child. Dijun might look like Gun-gun when he was this age. I smiled at that thought. Gun-gun inherited Dijun's silvery mane and I explained to my little one that we need to dye his hair to ease suspicion from the mortal people and thankfully Gun-gun understood this all. Although Gun-gun looks like four or five year old like that of the mortal children, Gun-gun is actually 300 years old now. My little Gun-gun brought pride and joy to me. Then a question he raised surprised me,

"Mother Jiu, do I have a father? " my little Gun-gun waited for my reply eagerly. I smiled back at him and nodded. I saw Gun-gun's eyes widened and he also smiled. I sighed. The smiling Gun-gun is the miniature of Dijun. Then that feeling again.
I miss you Dong hua. I sadly thought. It's the 300 years mark now and I wonder when will Dong hua come and get us. I smiled at that thought for sure he will get the surprise of his lifetime.

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