Severing the Red Thread 9

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人无完人金无足赤。(Rén wú wánrén, jīn wú zúchì. 'man lackperfect man; gold lack enoughred') — No man is a perfect man; no gold is sufficiently bare.

It is as impossible to find a perfect man as it is to find 100 percent pure gold.I.e. "no-one's perfect".


A year in the mortal realm, is a day in heaven. A whole lifetime in the mortal realm is just months passing in heaven. Indeed, it's as if it was all a wonderful dream. A wonderful dream that when you wake up, you'll face the shattering reality of heartbreak and disappointment. This is what Bai Feng Jiu first thought when she opened her eyes. That she is in the fox den. Alone and back with her frustrations. But what met her eyes is a white ceiling. She blinked her eyes once, twice and she rubbed them. Then she felt someone beside her. Her heart beat fast in anticipation still scared of facing who it was. It can't be... She thought. Many times back in Qingqiu or Zhe Yan's peach orchard she fall asleep drunk and with her 4th uncle or Su Moye together in a room twice but not together in a bed. She gasped. If someone sees us, well end up married for sure. she thought. Feng Jiu thought of her Clan. They were always earthly immortals mindful of tradition, etiquette and dignity. Then she closed her eyes again and nudged the person beside her still thinking it was Su Moye.

"He...hey wake up." when she felt and heard no response, she nudged again applying with a little bit of force. She heard a soft groan coming beside her. "Mo Ye wake up. Wake up. You should sleep in your own bed that 4th uncle provided for you. I will never drink again with you. We'll end up married in no time if this happens."

"You'll never ever drink again Xiaobai especially not with another man." a familiar voice replied laced with anger.

Feng Jiu hastily opened her eyes and finally turned her head to the person beside her. Her eyes widened when the realization hit her. "It was not a dream?" she asked and she saw Dong Hua Dijun's angry looking face, deep frown and thinning lips. She gasped realizing her mistake. How can she escape and reason this to him? Feng Jiu released an awkward smile and nervous laugh.

"Explain." Authority. That tone says it all. Feng Jiu bit her lower lip realizing that they just recently cleared their 3,000 years worth of misunderstanding and now, another one is resurfacing. Speak only when you feel your words are better than silence. Even in this dire situation she put herself, she thought one of Buddha's frequent advice on her.

"Xiaobai I am waiting..." there was a danger and caution laced in his voice. Feng Jiu gulped.
"Di..dijun...erm...while I was back in Qingqiu... there where days I am drunk with 4th uncle or... Su Moye" she whispered his name.

"But nothing happened to us. I swear. He is just my constant companion and a friend..."

Feng Jiu saw Dijun's eyes closed. This time, Dong hua Dijun sat on the edge of his bed and his back is facing her. She saw Dijun's back heaved a deep sigh. Feng Jiu also sat then she embraced her legs and hid her face. She wanted to cry. Stupid. You're so stupid Bai Feng Jiu. she berated herself. A long stretch of silence followed. She decided to get up and leave Dijun to his musings but before her right foot can step on the floor, an arm embraced her torso and dragged her. She then realized that she is sitting in Dijun's lap. Her eyes widened still not speaking.  
"Xiaobai, I will not say anything more on your drunken stupor since we are not together yet on those moments but I can't deny that it doesn't hurt Xiaobai.  The hurt is causing the green eyed monster resurfacing its ugly head in me." My eyes softened understanding his words since I felt them too when he was with Ji Heng. JEALOUSY. I cupped his smooth chiseled cheek and Dijun leaned on my palm savoring the feeling.
"I'm sorry for being so reckless Dijun. Since we're together now and the eternity, I will heed your words no matter what. " I said softly. Dijin opened his eyes and this time he hugged me tight. Putting his chin on top of my head and my ear on his rapidly beating heart.

Then I said, "I have thought of this once while I was still your pet fox Dijun."
"What is it Xiaobai? " still his chin is resting on the top of my head. I pulled off of his embrace, looked at his eyes, smiled and said,  "I will take you to Qingqiu to see the stars. " I saw Dijun smiled like a child and he nodded excitedly.

Tommorrow, Dong Hua Dijun is facing a difficult battle in his whole existence. He erased that thought, for he wants to savor the moment of him and Xiaobai, together.

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Note: please click the Youtube link on the media section at the very top. It is one of ELOD'S OST. 😁

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