Severing the Red Thread 4

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大处着眼小处着手。(Dàchù zhuó yǎn, xiǎochù zhuó shǒu. 'big points apply eye; small points apply hand') - Keep the general goal in sight while tackling daily tasks.


Feng Jiu smelled something nice and she can feel her stomach grumbled. She's still sleepy. She's in the middle of sleepiness and waking up, she heard footsteps coming towards her. She then smiled and said,
"Migu,what is that? It smells so nice."

The footsteps stopped on the side of my bed and when Migu didnt speak I turned and opened my eyes and then I saw the least person I expected to see. I blinked my eyes once, twice and thrice. Just to make sure, I rubbed my eyes. He is still there looking oh seriously at me.

Am I dreaming again because its been a long time I dreamed with Dijun in it? I selently thought. I slowly sat on the bed and the figure of Dijun didnt move at all and just stood there watching my movements.

"Di jun. Why am I dreaming of you again? I havent think of you for the past 2,000 years so why are you again in my dream? Why cant you just stay out of my thoughts?"
I irritatingly said still watching Dijun and Dijun, looked at me and raised his brow.

"Do you really think that you are still dreaming?"

I looked at him and nodded. Dijun suddenly smiled. I am shocked because Dijun rarely smiled and I am lucky to witness it. Suddenly he pulled me up, wrapped me in his arms and his face is inches away from mine. I gulped my saliva and my heart beat so fast.

He looked at me and whispered,
"Are you awake now Xiaobai?" My eyes widened and I was speechless. He waited for my answer since I didnt reply and just stared at him wide eyed.

Then suddenly, his face slowly descended and I felt his lips touched mine. It is a gentle kiss. And I just didnt breathe. My mind stopped working. My heart beat fast and I slowly just closed my eyes. Since this is a dream, better I take my chance and kiss him. I said to myself.

I felt Dijuns lips moved. And opened and I felt the tip of his tongue on my lips asking permission. I shyly opened my lips a little and his tongue entered and coaxed my tongue to his. His actions are telling me to mimic what hes doing and I followed suit. One of his hand is at the back of my head anchoring it. So this is what they call a passionate kiss. I mused.

"Breathe Xiaobai. "
Dijun said in a husky voice. The kiss took a minute or two and I really dont know. Dijun slowly stopped kissing me and slowly raised his face. I opened my eyes and saw his face a little red and a swollen lips. He smiled and caressed my hair and said,

"How about that Xiaobai, do you think you are still dreaming?" he said in a husky voice.

I blinked again. I slowly raised my right hand and pinched one of Dijuns cheeks. Oh, he reacted.I pushed him realizing that I am awake and not dreaming.

The memories of me and him talking in Tai Chen palace rushed back in my head and I felt dizzy in the middle of us talking. I gasped. I dont really believe in violence and I am not a violent immortal but all the blood rushed to my face in embarrassment and my hand is shaking in anger. I tried slapping his face but he is fast. Dijun held my hand.

"Violent now are we? "

"You...You what did you just do?"I raised my voice still I cant believe I kissed him back.

"If you will not be violent, then I will answer you. Calm down Xiaobai."
The hand he held when I tried to slap him, he caressed it.

"Are you playing with me now? Is it fun playing with me like this because this in not funny." I answered in an angry voice.

All the emotions rushed in me, anger, embarrassment and incredulity of his boldness and my actions. My tears suddenly fell. I dont care if I am crying in front of him. Embarrassment be damned, all of my emotions I held broke loose. I just cried and cried and cried. Di jun is silent and again, the unreadable look is on his face again. I wiped my tears that continued to spill and ran down my cheeks. I felt two of his hands held my face and wiped the tears away. I cried more. Seeing the softness in his beautiful eyes looking at me like that makes me more sad. Then he hugged me tight and I borrowed my head on his wide chest.

"I am not playing with you Xiaobai. I am happy that I already see you after you left 3,000 years ago. Will you forgive me if I tell you that I abducted you?"he murmured on top of my head.

My crying abruptly stopped. Then I slowly raised my head.


"Yes Xiaobai. Since you left like that and entertained the prospect of marrying another, I abducted you. " he said in his authoritative voice with full of seriousness and finality.

I gasped.

"Dijun this will cause a scandal and uproar in all the realms. Lets go back now okay? If ever I offended you, I apologize but we need to go back." I said and I am now perturbed and to my amazement he is still so calm as ever as if what he said will not cause us a scandal and we will be the talk of the immortals for the next of thousands of years.

"What are you scared off?" he asked not understanding why am I this disturbed.

"SCANDAL Dijun. SCANDAL. Oh, my father and grand father will not forgive me for this. No one will dare marry me because of this. "I said horrified of the thought.

I saw Dijun frowned and held me close and his face descended on mine and said in a whisper,
"Exactly. No one will dare touch what is mine. So you will marry me." He said with seriousness and finality. I am really in big trouble. I dont know if Dijun is serious or I am still dreaming.

 I dont know if Dijun is serious or I am still dreaming

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