Severing the Red Thread 18

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Zhe Yan POV

Looking around me and seeing Mo Yuan, Bai Zhi and Dong hua fighting, brings back all the memories when we were still younger , care free and without the heavy burdens we are carrying right now. Originally, there are 5 of us under Father Immortal's tutelage but sadly, the 5th one has already perished. There are two people who is born with great power and abilities that making them learn how to control their emotions is a top priority. I remember father immortal mentioned that letting your emotions go amok, is like selfishyly, letting yourself hurt others unconsiderably. Father immortal has his eyes and he is hands-on in training and teaching his son Mo Yuan and the carefree and care less Dong hua. In the past, it was Mo Yuan who has a problem in taking his emotions under control since he is also as impatient and hot headed as Bai Zhi but this is the very first time Dong hua lost control of his emotions specifically he lost control of his sanity.

When wars was still prevalent in almost all the realms thousands of years ago, Dong hua has this habit of leaving piling corpses on the battle field. His generals say, Dong hua is blood thirsty and I would agree with them as I witnessed this habit of his too. This is the reason I retreated myself and planted miles of Peach blossoms. In time, Dong hua got bored in fighting and killing that he retired and secluded himself in heaven and his Taichen Goong.

We his old friends know that it is better for Dong hua to be the care less god, than the caring and sensitive one

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We his old friends know that it is better for Dong hua to be the care less god, than the caring and sensitive one. Like now, he is wreaking havoc after learning that Xiaojiu is hurt. His aura is turning from purple to red and this is not a good sign. He may hurt this realm too and Mo Yuan and Ye hua's trapping the chasm may be disturbed and the chasm may break loose.

"Bind him Zhe Yan. This is not the right time for Dong hua to loose his sanity. " Mo Yuan shouted and struggled while holding to his position and the magic.

"Didi, we can't stand this any longer. The force of Dijun's aura is disrupting the flow of the chasm. His aura is flaring and starting to hurt us. " it was Ye hua who said worriedly.

I looked at Bai Zhi who is wide eyed and speechless looking at the relentless, unforgiving and killing spree of Dong hua. I shouted at Bai Zhi,  "Since you caused Dong hua to loose it, you need to do something to break this off. Everyone will end up dead if we cant stop Dong hua now. "

Bai Zhi looked at me and then back at Dong hua. Among the four of us, Bai Zhi has the loudest of voice. "Enough of this Dong hua! I'll tell Feng jiu to break it off with you if you don't learn how to control your emotions!"
Bai Zhi's voice is like a thunder cutting off other sounds around us.
And surprisingly, what Bai Zhi said has broken Dong hua's killing stupor. Dong hua's aura came back to its purple color and he immediately stopped also striking Miaolou to pieces. Mo Yuan and Ye hua took this opportunity to push everything and added their cultivation to speed up the process of trapping and transferring the Chasm in Kunlun as what we have planned.

Just mentioning Xiaojiu's name works. I smiled, I can use this information in the future and blackmail Dong hua. I smiled. While Dong hua took back and restrained his emotions, I throw a ward on Dong hua and said, "Meditate. Fast! "

Severing the Red Thread of Fate (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now