Severing the Red Thread 7

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难得糊涂。 (Nándé hútu. 'hard get confusion') — Ignorance is bliss.

Feng Jiu felt good that the misunderstandings and faults were already settled. She smiled. It still feels she's dreaming. She feels floating because of knowing that Dong hua Dijun reciprocated her feelings of love.

At the moment, she is relishing and enjoying her bath. Good thing I stopped Dong hua in doing any further than kissing. Feng Jiu mused. Remembering what Dijun and her did a while ago,  brought a blush on her cheeks.  She shook her head, dispelling her vulgar thoughts.

I am a queen and a monarch. How could I possibly be thinking lasciviousness towards Dijun? Oh no. What if he found me too straightforward?  This another wave of thoughts brought Feng Jiu into another moment of thinking.

Not realizing that Feng jiu is already in the bath for an hour, this made Dijun worried.
What is taking her so long in the bath?  Dijun used his magical abilities to read the room and closed his eyes. Realizing that Feng Jiu is fine. He left her alone and went to his bed first.

Dijun is already doozing off when he heared Feng Jiu screamed. He used his magic and appeared on where Feng Jiu is. He realized that Feng Jiu is still in the large bath, soaked and naked. He was entranced. So this is what it feels like to be casted a spell of enchantment. He silently mused still looking at the terrified Feng Jiu.

"What's the matter Xiaobai? " he asked still watching her beautiful wet face.

"I... I was trying to get off the bath and...and I saw a snake. Dijun, please take it out. I am terrified of snakes! " Feng Jiu almost shouted at Dijun.

Ah. I remembered. Dijun mused remembering their time in Fanyin Valley.  So, Dijun went on and found the offending snake and using his magic,  casted it out off the vicinity.

When Feng Jiu saw that Dijun made the snake disappear, she released a relieved sigh. She nearly stood but then realized that she was naked so she dropped her head lower and eyed Dijun who is also eyeing her.

"Say, do you know how to cast an enchantment spell?" Dijun asked while still eyeing the overly conscious Feng jiu still in the bath.

Feng Jiu just nodded and she is bewildered by this question of Dijun.

"Can you cast one on me?" Dijun said out of the blue and it made Feng Jiu more bewildered of this request of him.

Maybe he is trying your abilities in casting spells. Feng Jiu thought and this is not surprising especially this request comes from Dijun.

And so, Feng Jiu casted the only enchantment spell she knew directly in Dijun's face. She saw Dijun closed his eyes and when he opened them, she felt something in his aura and something change, especially his scent.

As a natural born fox, they are sensitive to everything. Sight, smell, hearing and even auras. It can affect them so much.

Dijun, on the other hand didn't expect the enchantment spell that Xiaobai casted on him to be so potent and strong. He opened his eyes and now, he regrets that he opened them. Infront of him is Fengjiu still soaked, wet and a blush on her ethereal enchanting face. Looking at him wide eyed and her red lip slightly turned to a little o.

Feng Jiu realized her mistake. The enchantment spell she casted on Dijun is not an ordinary spell. It also affects the one who casted it. She felt hot all over.  Her rational thoughts and her body is fighting dominance. She tightly closed her eyes and started meditating but then she heard Dijun spoke,

"This is a very strong enchantment smell Xiaobai. Who taught you this? "

She huffed as if someone is chasing her then answered,  "Zhe Yan did. He said, it is the  easiest and the lightest of all enchantment spells. " there. She smelled something. She realized this smell wafting with something sweet mixed with sandalwood is coming off Dijun. Her fox senses are upped now.

Dijun eyed Feng jiu like a hawk eyeing his prey. There is something wrong with Xiaobai. He can feel it. She is battling with something. Remembering about the enchantment spell, he needs to really talk to that old phoenix. The spell the phoenix taught is not written or even known in the nine heavens. He realized maybe because this enchantment spell is only effective if the Ninetailed foxes casted them.

"Did that old phoenix told you what will be the effect of this spell?" he asked and the spell slowly yet potently took his senses into a heightened state. His body is starting to get hot.

"Don't make me talk Dijun. I am meditating." she replied hurt laced on her now husky voice.

Dijun forgot a little bit of what's happening to his body and starting to get worried on the still soaked Feng jiu. He is still rooted on his place and haven't moved since. Again this time, the enchantment spell atacked his sense of smell. Although he is 3 feet away from her,  he can smell her. A flowery delicate scent of peach blossoms and he can't identify the other one. 

Feng jiu is loosing her rational thoughts fast. She felt Dijun's heat. Oh no. He wants me. That old phoenix tricked me! She is mad and angry but the enchantment spell is more potent now on her system it made her defenseless. The last thought on her mind was the enchantment spell Zhe Yan taught her, must only be used on newlywed couple on their first night together. How did I forget that!!!  And then, the enchantment spell ate all of her rational thoughts. What took over is the other side of her. The one Feng Jiu seldomly show to others. Her fox instinct took over. 

For the first time in his long mundane existence, Dijun never felt afraid not until now. Being not in-control of his body especially his senses terrified him. Suddenly he saw Feng jiu stood. In all her naked glory. His eyes widened. Only one thought surfaced...  MINE!  It reverberates on his whole being. Dijun saw his Xiaobai getting out of the bath. Wet tendrils of her hair clung on her dewy, alabaster white skin. The look she's giving is like a hunter eyeing her prey and right now he is her prey. Dijun felt excited. He doesn't know that this excitement of him is reverberating to his aura and his scent.

Feng Jiu slowly inhaled a lungful of air and she found that this man infront of her is powerful and strong. Worthy of her. Worthy to be her mate. When she was an inch infront of her she traced her finger to his face, nose, lips, down to his neck, chest and stopped on his hard stomach. She is burning inside. She gave him a sultry smile. She leaned on him, her naked chest to his and whispered, "You are worthy of me Dong hua. I am yours for the taking. " and she kissed him on the lips.

Dijun felt his restraints and rationality severed one by one and his head is slowly muddled. Now he realize what this is. He wondered it once but now he felt it, LUST.

It is eating him alive inside out. That burning and tingling sensation he felt where Xiaobai touched. He is liking this sensation. He brought Xiaobai to his room and lay her down. His room is well lit and he has no intentions on putting the lights off. He wants to see Xiaobai in the light. 

"Are you sure about this Xiaobai? There is no turning back now? Even if I want too, I can't stop myself especially with that spell you casted. " he huskily told her. Dijun saw Feng Jiu giving him her sultry smile.

"I told you right? You can have me. I am your's. Prove to me that you are worthy of my being. "

Dong hua Di jun doesn't like to be challenged but the challenge Xiaobai offered is the challenge he will surely enjoy on experiencing all night long.

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