Severing the Red Thread 15

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 三人一条心,黄土变成金。(Sānrén yìtiáoxīn, huángtǔ biàn chéng jīn. 'three people one heart; yellow earth become gold') — If people are of one heart, even loess can become gold.

This proverb tells us that as long as people are unified, any goal can be achieved.


Dong hua Dijun's Letter


Today is supposedly our big day. But I want to apologize for not being there in attendance. I want you to know how much I wanted to be with you right now. I want to celebrate our happy occasion with friends and family. I want the others to know how happy both you and I on this day but you have to understand, that as the emperor of the realms, I have my responsibilities too even if I already retired long ago. Keeping the realms safe and its peace is the only thing I can do as the emperor of realms and since this safety and peace is threatened, I need to settle this once and for all.

Xiaobai, thank you for letting me feel loved and how blissful it was to be in your arms. No matter what happens, you just need to know that once, there is a man who loves you deeply and sincerely. I don't know what tomorrow may bring but if I don't come out of this, you need to forget me Xiaobai. You are still young. You have a very great potential in ascending to be a high-goddess and be the greatest Queen of Qingqiu. Just remember that even if I am not around, I will always be with you to protect and love you. I am leaving you the only thing I can offer, the marriage present that I can only give you is my heart.
The letter ended there and the marriage present is the ring,  created solely for the little fox queen and from the heart of Dong hua. Mo Yuan sighed a little afflicted. He never expected that his old rock of a friend has a little romantic bone in his body. Mo Yuan glanced at the sleeping queen surrounded by her whole family. Zhe Yan didn't have a choice but forcefully sedate the little queen. The ninetailed fox royal family is very protective of their own and seeing how their youngest is hurting, makes all of them wants to pounce and wants to get a piece of Dong hua. Mo Yuan shook his head. He needs to wrestle with his other friend, the emperor of the 8lands Bai Zhi Dijun to stop him from going to the 9heavens. Confrontation and hot headedness is not needed in this dire moment. Mo Yuan went out of the room and outside the room is Zhe Yan, his twin brother Ye hua and heavenly third prince Lian Song, the closest to Dong hua at the moment.  Mo Yuan looked at Zhong Lin and asked, "Is there a study room where we can discuss the issue without any interruptions?"
Zhong Lin bowed and nodded. They followed Zhong lin to another room. There Mo Yuan, Zhe Yan, Ye Hua and Lian Song sat. When the door closed, Zhe Yan started to talk.
"Third prince, do you know where is Dong hua exactly right now? "
"Dong hua went to the demons for the blood tear and after that, he went to Fanyin Valley to contain the Miaoyi chasm and end Miaolou."
The always ready giddy third prince is more solemn and serious, not his usual self. Mo Yuan observed.
"Didi." it was Ye Hua who called his attention. Mo Yuan look at his brother and Ye hua said,
"Can we do something about this?"
Mo Yuan looked at Zhe Yan and looked at his brother again, "We can trap the Miaoyi chasm in Kunlun and purify it slowly. But, the hardest question is, if Dong hua will let us in the ward he created. "
The four men kept their silence and knew the answer. But then they were interrupted when they heard a commotion and shouting outside. Zhe Yan hurriedly went out and the three men followed.

"I told you one must stay with her inside!  Now we don't know where she went!" it was Xiaojiu's grandmother who is looking at the other Bai family members.
"What happened?" It was Zhe Yan who spoke.
"Xiaojiu disappered. "
Mo Yuan released a loud sigh and rubbed his temples.
"I am sure.  She's going to where Dong hua is. " It was third heavenly prince Lian Song who commented.
In a frantic voice it was Feng jiu's mother who said, "She'll get killed if she tried anything stupid. Does that child have no care to herself and to us? " then she sobbed. Bai Yi attended and hugged his wife.
"4th brother and Ye hua,  come with me.  We need to look and bring back Xiaojiu. "
It was Bai Qian who said this and what made them more frantic is what Zhe Yan has said,
"Look for her and let her take this medicine Qian-Qian. " Bai Qian, Ye Hua and Bai Zhen looked at the medicine in Zhe Yan's palm. Bai Qian's eyes widened and said,
" that... " Zhe Yan cut her off and nodded.
"What is it? " Bai Zhi asked. When the fox empress and Feng Jiu's mother saw the medicine, they cried.
Bai Yi, Bai Zhen and Bai Zhi all looked puzzled not understanding why the women are all crying over a medicine.
Then Zhe Yan said in a steady yet soft voice,

"Xiaojiu... She's with child. "

Bai Yi is speechless. Bai Zhi stood there frozen. Bai Zhen worriedly scanned his family. Bai Qian is cursing, while Ye hua and Lian Song didn't know whether to exit the hall or stay. Star Lord Siming's mouth is agaped. And Mo Yuan again released a loud sigh and thought to himself, Dong hua, even in the brink of death, trouble always follow you. How can we pacify and solve this problem you left back to back?

 How can we pacify and solve this problem you left back to back?

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