Severing the Red Thread 16

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Bai Feng Jiu POV

As soon I opened my eyes, My head is muddled. I am alone and wondering where I am. Remembering the events before I lost my consciousness, made me dart up from the bed but I felt so weak. I shook my head to clear it. My heart is breaking again. Remembering that Dijun may not come out of this alive. My tears are starting to fall. I wiped those tears away. I folded my kness and buried my face and closing my eyes, thinking what I will do next. I raised my face and looked at the ring Dijun has gifted me. Again, these pesky tears are rolling. I don't know why but the past few days I am more sensitive than usual. I just stared hopelessly on the ring and then I felt it, a pulse from the ring. It is slightly glowing in purple. My eyes widened. Again, it pulsed. Remembering that this was made from Dijun's heart gave me hope. The owner maybe and still be alive. I hardened my resolve and took off. I don't know where to go but I have to look for Dijun. I cloud jumped and looking for anomalies. I stopped at the old phoenix ten mile peach woods and meditated. Holding the ring and casted a spell to locate the one who created the ring. I sat in silence and cleared my mind. It took me a while and I felt a faint pulse to it. My mind located where Dijun is and I opened my eyes and smiled triumphantly. I tried taking off but a ward was casted on me. Then I looked at to my left and saw aunt Qian-Qian, fourth uncle and uncle in-law Ye hua. I gasped. I know they are here and are trying to stop me.
When aunt, 4th uncle and uncle in-law is a meter away,  they stopped and looked at me. I looked at aunt and she looked at me. I stood my ground and said with full of determination, "Gugu, please let me go. Let me help Dijun. " I pleaded.
Gugu just stared at me. The kind of stare that I haven't seen from her.  4th uncle just looked at aunt then looked at me.
"You need to stop this Xiaojiu. Let Dong hua Dijun do his duties." I felt hurt at what 4th uncle has said. I bit my lips and looked down on the ground. Again, tears started to roll. "Can we not let Dijun be happy? He's been keeping the realms safe and peaceful for thousands of years, can't others carry his burden?" I said quietly. This time it is uncle in-law who replied.
"Feng Jiu.  There are certain oaths that you can't easily turn your back too. Being born with such power can be burdened with such responsibility." uncle has a point but still I can't accept it. I want Dijun to be happy for once.
"Xiaojiu, we are already born immortals. We didn't have the need to cultivate to reach where we are right now. You, are born from a royal and ancient clan. You may not ask for any of this, but you are born to carry the responsibility of a queen. Just because you felt that everything is unfair,  you start to be selfish and abandon your subjects that easily and just like that? It is just fair to every immortal to be born with burdens they need to carry their whole existence. This is called being fair and being just. "
I sobbed hearing aunt say it. I sat down and cried.I know I am being selfish but, is it really just okay to leave the love of your life to die alone just like that? And then 4th uncle crouched down put his hand on the ward and whispered, "I know it is hard Xiaojiu,  but you need to strengthen your resolve. High-god Mo Yuan, Zhe Yan and even father are going to help Dijun in this.  They are on there way to Fanyin now. If you want Dijun to be safe,  take care of yourself first. "
I looked at 4th uncle and he gave me a soft smile. I just smiled back. Gugu followed 4th uncle and crouched down too. She smiled at me and said,  "Stop being a spoiled brat and make everyone in the family worry. You will not be a good example to your child."
My smile froze in my face. I blinked and just stared at aunt. I heard uncle inlaw said, "She didn't get it Qian-Qian. "
What did I miss?  I thought to myself.
"I thought I am the one who is very slow in the family? " Gugu looked at 4th uncle who is smiling and shook his head. 4th uncle looked at me and said, "After Zhe Yan forcefully sedated you to calm you down, he accidentally found out that you are with child. You are going to be a mother soon Xiaojiu. " I blinked my eyes. Then gasped. This time, aunt removed the ward. Then again I cried loudly. It was 4th uncle who hugged me and then I heard Gugu said, "Dong hua Dijun sure plans and plants thing ahead of everyone. " then aunt snorted. Uncle inlaw just put his arms on aunts shoulders and chuckled.


Sorry for the short update. I'll make up to the next chapter. 😀

By the way this is the Fuling flower or tree

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By the way this is the Fuling flower or tree. Dong hua's flower.

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