Severing the Red Thread 8

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凡人不可貌相, 海水不可斗量。 (Fánrén bù kě màoxiàng, hǎishuǐ bù kě dòuliàng. 'mortals can't judge by appearance, sea water can't cup measure') — Man cannot be judged by looks; seas cannot be measured by cup.

Meanwhile in the 9heavens

Su Moye isn't a nosy immortal but it made him worried that her highness, queen Bai Feng Jiu is already half a day within Taichen Palace and together with the emperor of the realms,  Dong hua Dijun alone and unchaperoned.

His anticipation is eating him already and it made him nervous. He doesn't want to go to Taichen palace and ask for her highness whereabouts and add more gossip to spread in the nine heavens.

2 hours ago, he heard a gossip that he, Su Moye is her highness Feng Jiu's consort and since it is already known in all the realms that he is the frequent visitor of the secluded queen, that made him choke on his saliva.  He is afraid that the gossip will reach to Qingqiu before this day will end and the Bai Clan will force him and Feng jiu into marriage.

He fancies her highness alright but they are not yet on that level of affection as what these gossips suggested. Her highness Fengjiu, is just a constant reminder of his unrequited love, Aranya, who died 300years ago.

Su Moye is starting to contemplate his next move. He decided to wait another hour for her highness Fengjiu to comeback and if she will not arrive when the hour will pass, he will go back to Qingqiu and inform both high-god Zhe Yan and his friend, his highness high-god Bai Zhen, that her highness Feng Jiu is missing for half a day already.

Su Moye is behind a tall shrub, drinking his tea when he heard another pair of immortals gossiping.

"Have you heard? The ever reclusive queen of Qingqiu is here in heaven with her consort, the 2nd prince of the west sea, Su Moye." Su Moye heard the other immortal gasped. He smiled and shook his head but then he nearly choked on his tea when he heard the next gossip coming from one of the immortals.

"Aiya, beautifully- gorgeous, young, wields an enormous position and from an ancient powerful clan, her highness Bai Feng Jiu can be what mortals call them a Femme fatale."

"How so?"

"Femme fatale are described as a man-eater or vamp, is a stock character of a mysterious, beautiful, and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly traps. She is an archetype of literature and art in the mortal realm. We immortals and mortals know that nine tailed foxes are naturally born with seductive charm and beauty. It is no wonder, even the unmovable and ever so reclusive emperor of the realms Dong hua Dijun invited her highness Bai Feng Jiu to Taichen palace...Alone." Su Moye heard the other immortal gasped.

Su Moye will forget his plan on waiting an hour and will go back to Qingqiu and will inform high god Zhe yan and his friend high god Bai Zhen that her highness Bai Feng Jiu is in a tight situation. Su Moye doesn't want to damage the young queen's reputation especially knowing that she is with Dong hua Dijun and alone.

In haste, Su Moye hurriedly went back to Qingqiu and explained the situation.

Warning mature theme ahead

Back in the mortal realm

Feng Jiu slowly took off Dijun's clothes. First that she uncovered, is his torso. Although she is the one lying on the bed, the lights are well lit and she saw Dijun's hard, smooth and especially warm chest and stomach. Dijun can easily envelope her with his wide shoulders. Feng Jiu slowly traced her finger tips from his chest to his stomach while eyeing his face for a reaction.

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