The Aftermath 2

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The best father

When Gun-gun was first introduced to the heavenly kingdom, it become an uproar. Who knew that the Emperor Dong hua Dijun and his empress, already have a child.

When Gun-gun is formally introduced to Dong hua's people in Taichen Goong, they were shock but at the same time delighted. They expected that the palace will be more lively now since it will have a child. But they are definitely wrong. The little prince is as quite as his father yet, very observant.

One day Zhong Lin is strolling the garden when he found the little prince, squatting on the ground. Zhong lin is a bit curious as to what the little prince is doing.

"Your highness. What is it you are doing? "

Zhong lin gave his curtsies then waited for the little prince to speak.

"Can you tell me about what my father is really doing? Because I only see him fishing, reading, sleeping then repeat. "

Zhong Lin wanted to laugh but hold it in. He cleared his throat before replying,

"His majesty, your father has actually a big responsibility. To protect the peace of the whole realms. Which happened 300 years ago before you where born. "

Gun-gun got interested hearing this. His mother and father hadn't mention any of this to him. Gun-gun can only read what his father did for the realms.

Later that night, Gun-gun has a habit of checking his mother jiu since his mother always kick the blankets off and little Gun-gun would tuck his mother back in the blanket back in the mortal realm.

Gun-gun opened the door of the room of his mother and father and it warmed his heart seeing his father Dong hua tucking in his mother inside the blanket. Gun-gun realized how his father loved his mother so much when he saw his father tenderly kissed his mother's forehead.

Maybe his father felt his presence that father Dong hua turned on his direction. Both of them looked at each other and it was his father who spoke first.

"Why are you still up? "

I am still in the doorway but replied,

"I came to check on mother jiu. She always has a habit of kicking off the blanket then waking up cold."

Gun-gun saw his father smiled at him. Seldom of the genuine smiles his father only show when it was with him or his mother.

His father stood and walked towards him and said,

"Do you want to stay outside for a while? If you're not sleepy that is. "

I excitedly nodded and father dong hua offered his hand and I gladly accepted it. We silently walked along the gardens and stayed at the pavilion where father and mother always stay.

 We silently walked along the gardens and stayed at the pavilion where father and mother always stay

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