~chapter 2~:{uncertainty}

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Kenji POV:

I jolted out of my bed as tears ran down my cheeks and I started hyperventilating slightly while I was looking around my room frantically before landing on my alarm clock that struck 12:55am.

Why..did they look so hurt...

I thought to myself as I laid back down in my bed with a loud thump.

'Who are those guys anyways,where did they go?,and most importantly who was the person behind them?..was it who they were running from?..'

{at school}

I barely got any sleep after I had woken up from that dream..vision maybe..I don't know..but I do know that I have to find a way to meet those two kids again..but how?..

[Ren]- "KENJI?!"

I was knocked out of my thoughts as I jolted out of my desk slightly and look over to Ren who has apparently been yelling for my attention this entire time.

[Ren]- "Gosh I knew you you were mute but I didn't know you were deaf as well.."

Ren stated with a slight chuckle and a kind of annoyance in their tone as I throw my hands up in defense and smile nervously. As the bell rang and the teacher walked in I grabbed my notebook out but I wasn't really able to pay attention today so my notes had major time chunks but luckily Ren noticed this so they helped me out a bit.

After class I had started heading towards lunch but Ren stopped in their tracks and had told me to follow them and we ended up on the roof where we usually go when they want to talk about something seriously and at this point I was confused because I didn't see anything unusual about Ren's aura.

[Ren]- "Why can't you lean on me a bit more?..I'm here for you just as much as you're here for me..so why won't you tell whats been bugging you?.."

I sighed in defense as I started to text Ren

_Text messages _

•Parental figure Ren😏💕🤞🏽
So what's up?...

•Kinky kenji🤪💕😏
Honestly I'm not sure ,yesterday after we parted ways I bumped into these two kids by accident,but there was something off about them..I'm not sure why but I had a dream about them last night..not in a weird way or anything but it felt like it was more than just a dream.., they were all chained up and looked so..scared and there was someone behind them..as if they were being personal puppets ..what do you think?..

_out of text_

Ren sighed as they looked over to me as we were now sitting up against one of the generators on the roof.

[Ren]- "I honestly think that you should try and actually talk to those two..I don't know how or when but it would give you a clear mind,and if you are right about your dreaming being a vision or whatever ,then I would help them right away,and if you need anything while during that please text me..,okay?.."

Ren was really worried about me ,they know almost everything about me but they still worry for me,I mean they were the one reason why I chose to go to UA but still ,I never meant to hurt them..

I smile and nod as I hug them tightly and they hug me back with sniffles to be heard as I lower my ears..ears?!

I jolt away from the hug as I see that I now have ears on the top of my head and blush out of embarrassment while Ren laughs their ass off.

{on the way home}

I know Ren was laughing at the fact that my ears popped out ..but this just means that my yearly visit to the "doctors" was being pushed to sooner than i wanted..

I know it's necessary but I hate how they just stick and poke at me like I'm some kind of toy to them. I decided to stop by the gas station before heading home right away. I had texted my parents about it so I'm gonna make sure to not take too long because they know that I shouldn't take long due to it just being a gas station but that was what I though before I stopped in my tracks right at the entrance when I saw ..them.

the girl and the boy..they weren't fully covered in black clothing anymore so I could get a better look at them. I was gonna approach them but..I was scared..how would I even get them to trust me..where would I start...what if they're bad guys?!..

The thoughts running through my head had caused me to lose sight on what was happening and before I knew it she had already approached me.

[Kazuno]- "You're the kid from before ..aren't you?.."

She had asked me as she tilted her head slightly but I had to find a way to respond quickly before she thought that I had no interest. So I quickly put my hand up as a way to Jester her to hold on for a second as I grabbed my phone and opened up the notes app and started typing.

_on the phone_

*Umm yeah I am..my name is Kenji,I don't want to seem like a weirdo but I was hoping to meet again..,there's something important we have to talk about..*

_off the phone_

She had read the text pretty swiftly as She smiled slightly and nodded while running over to grab the boy that was with her.

[Kazuno]- "I'm kazuno..and this is Tobi..is there somewhere else we could go to talk?.."

I nodded as I went to my contacts and texted my parents telling them I was heading over to Ren's place for the weekend along with telling Ren that I was heading over with them and they agreed along with letting their parents know as well.

As I finished setting up everything I grabbed kazuno's hand hesitantly as I started to lead her and Tobi towards Ren's place.

Tobi wasn't much of a talker ,he was a bit shy and aware of his surroundings as if something was watching him.

When we made it to Ren's place we headed straight to Ren's room and all sat down to talk.

[Ren]- "So what's the deal,what was so important that you had to last minute this visit ,not that I don't love you and all but it was a bit sudden.."

Ren had asked as I grabbed my phone back out and texted them letting them know that the two woh me were the two I had talked about earlier as their eyes widened while reading the text and he sighed heavily.

[Ren]- "Ooh okay well this is a bit of a surprise..umm hey you guys..umm I'm Ren..and you guys are?.."

Hey guys, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far,let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments and tell me what you guys think will happen next 😏💕
please don't hesitate to like share and comment,love you all


Word count: 1207

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