~chapter 3~:{ speaking their mind}

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Kenji's pov:

After introducing everyone to each other we were able to find out about kazuno and Tobi a bit more. But what they were gonna say next surprised me the most.

[kazuno]- "My full name is kazuno-midoriya-todoroki..I'm the lost daughter of the pro hero's Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki...I had escaped with Tobi just a few days ago..but we're still being chased after..Tobi was the son of the villains that go by the name Dabi and Toga..but when Tobi and me met for the first time when I was captured he wanted to help me and he realized that being a villain wasn't the path he wanted.

so when we left we didn't realize that they would be able to react us down for so long..so when we bumped into kenji yesterday..it gave me and Tobi a since of hope ..because I could feel that we could finally get actual help..I wanted to go to my parents but...I'm scared that they won't see me the same..or even recognize me..I know that sounds crazy but it's a huge struggle for me right now..I know it's a lot to ask but ,c-can you please help us?.."

Me and Ren both felt really bad for them as we both agreed to help them in any way possible especially since it was the weekend. It wasn't much time but it was a start.

That night we all agreed to first talk to mine and Ren's parents about the situation first..then we could use their help as well towards contacting kazuno's parents ..but as of tonight we all needed the time to rest and would take shifts on watching out for whoever was after them just to make them feel a bit more comfortable.
Ren's POV:

I was all taken back a bit from what's been going on but I knew that I wanted to help..I told Kenji I would so I had to at this point. Besides ,the fact that kazuno and Tobi has to go through so much they needed to have people to be there for them right now,people they could trust,people they could call friends..

[kazuno]- "Hey ,Ren right?.."

I turned to see Kazuno still awake as I jump slightly at the surprise and smiled nervously slightly embarrassed.

[Ren]- "Uhh yeah,what up?.."

I asked as she moved closer to me as to not wake up the other while smiling sadly and looking over to both Tobi and Kenji.

[Kazuno]- "I just wanted to ask you ..,why doesn't kenji talk?..ever since I approached him he's only been texting as a way to talk,I even saw it when you two were talking,is he shy or something?.."

Of course that would be a question to pop up..I doubted that kenji would tell them anything out of just the first meeting..

[Ren]- "Well..I'm not sure if it's my information to share as to why but..kenji is mute..he's been that way ever since I met him back towards the end of middle school.."

As I told kazuno about kenji I started to tear up slightly as she started to worry I smiled and wiped my tears away.

[Ren]- ""Sorry it's just..I care a lot about kenji..he's my best friend..I've only known him for a short period of time but ..he's always been there for me..but he's never been able to open up to me as easily..and lately he's been acting differenty..after his quirk started to appear again..I never knew the whole story but he really does hate himself ..and I wish I could help him with that.

just a little bit..but ..I can't..I always find ways to make him smile and show his personality a bit more..because I heard that before middle school he was the nicest and goofiest kid you could ever meet..and knowing that while seeing him now..it breaks my heart every time..even now he finds ways to put others before himself..and it's a good thing ..but it can also be bad..anyways I'm sorry you probably don't even want hear any of this.."

I chuckle out sadly as I continued to wipe away tears and sniffled here and there as I look over to Kazuno who was also on the verge of tears.

[Kazuno]- "No I know exactly how you feel..When I had met Tobi it made the fact that I had been kidnapped from my home a little bit easier on me..and when we began to talk more I felt horrible because for the years I was there I never once knew why Tobi hated his life so much..but on the day we decided to leave he had started to open up more and told me that even though his family were villains he never truly liked the idea of hurting others ..he was forced to be someone he wasn't..and he even was punished sometimes from not obeying orders.

thats why he has so many burns and cuts..his parents didn't take the fact that he wanted to be a hero instead lightly..and ..yet he was always there in time everyday on the dot to where they held me prisoner and he would comfort me..and make me happy ..while he was suffering on the inside..so don't feel bad..I understand how you feel..and I'm glad you could open up and let that off your chest.."

Kazuno said as she smiled slightly while I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back hesitantly. After an hour of talking we decided to head to bed as well since we had lots to do in the morning. But before I went to bed I looked over to kenji as he was showing no sign of breathing I panicked before he breathed in a big breath of air and releasing it with a slight twitch of the leg as I chuckled to myself and Tobi woke up for his shift I soon headed to bed with a clear head.

{that morning}

Kenji's POV:

After some breakfast and some refreshments we all went to talk to Ren's parents about the situation with Kazuno and Tobi. They were a bit surprised and confused at first but soon understood what they had to do,they told us that they would consult with a few other people they knew that can help a bit more as we started heading towards my place to see if my parents could help us locate kazuno's parents.

It turns out that my parents knew Kazuno really well,they had grown up with her from over video call but was never able to see her in real life due to her sudden disappearance. Obviously I wouldn't had remembered her much..I was really young and couldn't remember much about my young age phase due to this damn curse.

Besides that my parents had gave us what we needed in order to find Kazuno's parents so we started to head out once again as I hugged my parents bye.

Luckily kazuno's parents don't live far from my place so we didn't have that much of a walk,or skate in my case.

When we got there Kazuno suddenly froze and stopped talking right as midoriya and todoroki walked out the house in front of us..

[Kazuno]- "Daddy!!!!.."

Hey guys I hope you're enjoying the story so far,let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments and tell me what you guys think will happen next 😏💕
please don't hesitate to like share and comment,love you all


Word count: 1299

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