Update (Q&A)

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1:more information about the Shin gou kie institution

So I had a few people get confused on what the institution is as in why hybrids were there ,And what the institution is for in general, etc.

But I basically wanted it to be a place where hybrid creatures were held ,for example the snake lady named jasper and the lizard guy name William are both hybrids that are held there along with many more. But they're held there for the commander and his men to use to experiment on because the hybrids went there willingly due to the fact that they thought it was a place where they could get help ,like how Kenji thought of it as if it was a doctors appointment at first.

Based on why the hybrid was brought there and how long they've been there the commander uses that as a type of ranking.

The ranking includes:

Collectors: hybrids who collect the test subjects that refuse to come willingly.

Guards: watches over institution from the outside /other test subjects

Workers: hybrids who help around /help with testing /personal assistances

Test subjects: hybrids who are new /rare species/refuse to be ranked up(corporate)

There's more to who the commander is and why he has the hybrids to experiment on as in what he needs the data for but I won't be spoiling that so you'll have to wait for the next chapter.

2: why is Kenji /Quill "rare"

So for those who didn't quite understand why the commander see's Kenji/Quill rare I wanted to touch base on more of the back story of Kenji,Ive had the idea of changing kenji's background story a bit for awhile now but basically ever since the commander first started to "treat" Kenji he had saw that there was more to him then just being a natural hybrid.

The hybrids that the commander holds usually follow the following aspects

• can shape shift from any animal to human at any time

•is half human half animal
(like jasper and William)

• has another personality inside of them that isn't human (aka Quill)

•has a strong pain tolerance

•strong quirk(reliable)

So when the commander started to test on Kenji he saw that Kenji fell into all of the categories thanks to his quirk and quill being transported into him which gave Kenji the demonic power even if he couldn't quite control it yet.

The commander wanted to keep Kenji at the institution as a permanent resource but kirishima and bakugou obviously didn't agree to that motive and that was explained more in the letter from chapter 13

Then the commander agreed to yearly visits and admitted Kenji as test subject 200813. As Kenji kept visiting the other hybrids got "jealous" at the fact that Kenji was being more "treated" than they were.

There's more to this idea but I don't want to give away to much before the next chapter soo you'll have to wait😏

3:why are the hybrids helping the commander

The hybrids are helping the commander with his studies because they are being *drum roll please*


Yes you heard right,but that also brings up the question as to why Kenji isn't being brainwashed and the simple answer is that the commander was scared to damage kenji's worth.

4: why doesn't kirishima and bakugou do anything about Kenji being used

So I had brought up the fact that kirishima and bakugou wait in the waiting room as Kenji goes to the "appointment" and in that waiting room I wanted it to be as if they're watching what is going on but the film was edited to make it look like as if it was a live footage from that day but really it was just the same thing that had just performed on the very first day to make it seem like they were treating Kenji the same each time. Basically they're being tricked.

5:more about kenji group weaknesses

There was a slight mention in the last chapter that touched base on what the groups limits to their quirk was but here is more information about it.

Kazuno:gets tiered after awhile/loses energy due to so much of her quirk clashing into one another

Kazuno has a strong control over how her quirk varieties as in she knows how to control each side and to keep her body from overheating/freezing over. But then again using both sides at the same time can be tiering and since her time with the league while kidnapped she has learned more ways of how to improve but she never truly kept herself from running out of energy easily.

Kyota: chains can be broken

After a certain period of time the chains that Kyota can conjure will become more and more fragile as in they can easily be broken. (They lose more and more power)

Emi: has a major headache after too many attempts at using her quirk (maximum :15 times per hour)

Not much to add but that she begins to feel faint and dizzy after overusing her quirk.

Tobi: nausea

Do to the fact that tobi's quirk is connected to gravity I thought that his quirk after awhile of using it can cause him to feel ill and nauseous.

6:Will Quill ever get his own body back?

Well honestly I've never thought about this much but I mean I guess you'll have to find out in the future development of this book 😅

7: more information about the demon and goddess race

As we all know the demon and goddess hate each other but I had planned for maybe Kenji being the fix towards that little problem but I don't know how quite yet soo if you're interesting in learning and helping out with that please comment or message me about it


Alright well that's all for now but if you guys are interested in doing more Q&A chapters in the future please let me know and please ask more questions along the way if you get confused on what I write .

But anyways I love all you guys and I hope you're all enjoying the story so far . please don't hesitate to like and comment ,I'll see you all in the next chapter



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