~chapter 36~:{"stick with me kid and you'll never feel alone again!~"}

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*Jakson's backstory*

I was born just like any other kid in this world. I had a mom and a dad who had seemed to love me more than anything in the world. But in the end they were only lying...


The sound of the pouring rain and thunder were the only main things I remember from that day..along with the raged breaths from my mother as she carried me in her arms and seemed to be running away from something. I don't remember what my parents used to look like but..I sadly remember my mother placing me into a box that was in an  alleyway as she closed it leaving me in the dark and only getting more and more soaked in the rain.

I waited for what seemed like hours as my body had grown terribly cold and I curled into myself for whatever remaining heat I had left. My mind was all over the place as I hoped and prayed for my mother to magically come back to get me..but it never happened..

Instead the box was suddenly kicked down as I yelped in pain and fell out the box as fear consumed me. I was afraid that I was never going to see my mother or father ever again as I looked up to see a kid about my age wearing a blue coat  as his emerald green eyes stared back at me and a smirk could be seen plastered across his face.

[Kaśper]- "TOBI!!!,tell your father we found someone!!"

The strange kid yelled out as another kid ran over to us. He also seemed pretty young as he had black hair and dark blue eyes.

[Tobi]- "I don't know Kaśper,he seems a bit out of it if you ask me..,"

The one named Tobi said as they both looked at me strangely only to have two adults appear behind them

[Dabi]- "What did you kids find this time?.."


The adult asked as the thunder suddenly signaled and purple marking could be seen all over him as he looked just like the Tobi but had purple on him for some reason.

[Kaśper]- "It's a kid!"

The one named Kaśper yelled as the adult looked over at the female blonde adult as she walked over to me which I quickly reacted to by shuffling backwards and hitting my backside against the alleyway wall

[Dabi]- "Leave him..he's just a pip-squeak who lost his mommy,we don't need people like that in the league.."

The adult male said as he started to walk away as the female skipped over and followed him along with Tobi but leaving the kaśper staring at me

[Kaśper]- "Then let me take him in!"

Kaśper yelled as he turned towards the others

[Dabi]- "Huh?.."

[Kaśper]- "I'll train him and if he's successful I'll ask master Tomura if he can join myself, just like how Tobi is training Kazuno!..."

Kaśper yelled as he ran back over to me with a bright smile.

[Kaśper]- "Come on...,we're friends from now on so I'll be by your side showing just how awesome you can really be!~"

My eyes widen at his words as I began to feel emotional and my face wasn't as cold as the rest of my body as I saw him reach his hand out towards me and I hesitantly took a hold of it resulting in him hoisting me back to my feet and we walked behind the others slightly

[Kaśper]- "By the way ,what's your name kid?!~"

I continued to walk as I pondered at the question.

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