~chapter 37~{who?..}

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Kazuno's pov:

About a week has passed since the attack on the school as everyone was pitching in on helping rebuild it including me and the others. But Kenji was still in the hospital. They had informed us that he had gotten the surgery he had needed but hasn't woken up just yet. We were all pretty worried but we made sure to visit Kenji everyday after our shift at the school was over.

[Kyota]- "Hey Kazuno can you toss me that 2 by 4 beside you?!.."

Kyota asked from a distance as I lazily tossed it over to him without even looking to see if I aimed it in the right direction.


[Kyota]- "ACK!!.."

I looked back to see Kyota laying on the floor with the wood print on his forehead.

[Kazuno]- "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY!!"

I apologized as I kneeled down to see if he was okay.

[Kazuno]- "Kyota?.."

*mumble* *mumble*

[Kazuno]- "What?.."

A few seconds past before Kyota jolted up and stands his forehead against mine.

[Kyota]- "BITCH!!"

I groaned as I rubbed my forehead while Kyota stands back up screaming at me.

[Kyota]- "Hey I get it !,we are all worried and tired and VERY HUNGRY!!,but I don't deserve to have you throwing wood at my face like that!!"

I laugh at Kyota's outburst as I stand back up as well.

[Kazuno]- "Okay,okay,I'm sorry.."

Kyota sighed heavily as he shakes his head and laugh as well.

[Kyota]- "no I'm sorry I'm just tired and worried and suuuper hungry,I didn't mean to get mad.."

I nodded as I helped Kyota with the rest of his part as we both started to help the others quicken their work so that we could go out and possibly see Kenji after.

As the hours past we were nearly done for the day.

[Kyota]- "Hahahah,see guys I told you we could get this over with in no problem just like always ..I say we did a pretty goo-uahhh!!"

Kyota was cut off as he wasn't paying attention while we were walking as he fell into a ditch.

[Kyota]- "A little help please!!?"

Kyota asked as we all laughed before Kimmy flew down and helped grab him out. Turns out that Kimmy wasn't that horrible of a person after all. I guess both her and Kai were just being controlled by their parents. It's not that we forgave them completely or anything but it does help that they've been showing a better side to themselves and being super helpful. Not to mention Quill and Kai are super close. The fact that Quill was able to forgive and forget is really surprising but it only reminds me of Kenji so I can see where he's coming from ,him being the one person who knows Kenji most by literally being there his whole life I could understand that he would pick up a few things from Kenji.Not that I agree with it though. Kenji's always been too nice in my opinion but I mean it makes Kenji who it is so it's okay.

The point is that our little family has been growing a lot lately.

[Kai]- "You're kidding ,right?,I DON'T THINK A RAT LIKE YOU  OUKD EVER BEAT ME IN A FIGHT!!"


Though Kai and Kyota aren't the best of friends and they literally fight 24/7. Which is fine but annoying..

[Kyota]- "I'm staaaarving!!!,let's go out already!"

We all laugh as we agreed and told Mr Aizawa and Iida-cun that we were done for the day.


We all laugh as we wave off as Quill carries Haru on his shoulders and Ren uses Kenji's skateboard.

[Ren]- "So where are we going anyways?.."

We continue to walk only to find ourselves at the a small fast food place. It wasn't the same without Kenji being with us but we made sure to get some to go food for him. Though I'm pretty sure he won't be able to eat it sadly.

[Kazuno]- "You guys think Kenji will be okay?.."

They all looked over to me as the mood dropped instantly.

[Kazuno]-" I'm sorry ,I just miss him is all.."

[Quill]- "awwww ,look who's becoming a big ol softie for her boyfriend ~"

I growled as Quill teases.



[Later that night]

Nobody's pov:

After they had all ate and got things off their chests they've all decided to visit Kenji. Though it was late they never missed a day when it came to visiting him so why stop now.

[Nurse]- "Right this way,he's actually been quite active and showing signs of recovery since this morning,though there was one problem.."

The nurse said as the group began to grow worried as they rushed into the room and Kenji looks over at them.

[Everyone]- "KENJI!!!!"

They all tackled hugged Kenji carefully as they all laughed and cried with joy.

[Ren]- "Were glad to see you're okay,did your parents visit you earlier?,we didn't see them at work today.."

Ren asked Kenji as they all pulled away from Kenji and sat at his bedside.

[Kyota]- "Teah and can you tell us what this crazy nurse was taking about when she said there was a problem with your recovery because you seem fine to me!~"

Kyota shouted out as everyone looked at Kenji smiling but something seemed confused about what they were asking. He soon grabbed a notebook and pen that was on his table beside him as he wrote his reply on it and showed it to them when he was done.

[Quill]- "I don't know why you wrote this down when you could just talk to us like you always do but I'll do the honors.."

Quill said as he grabbed the notebook and read it out loud as Kenji looked away towards the window.

[Quill]- "Yes my parents did visit me earlier today,I found out that my father kirishima had fully recovered and is doing fine but..*gasp*.."

[Kazuno]- "What,what is it?!"

Kazuno yelled out as Quill hesitated before tears began to fall down his face.

[Haru]- "Babe?.."

[Quill]- "b-but..who are you guys?..."

Everyone froze as Quill finished reading what Kenji wrote while looking over at Kenji.

[Nurse]- "I was going to say that..he had lost most of his memories..."


Hey guys,hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Please let me know what you guys think and what you guys think will happen next😏💕. Love you all.


Word count: 1140


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