Chapter 23

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"Winifred! I missed you!" I shout when I see her at my favorite park.
"Winter? How are you?" She exclaims, then throws her book down and hugs me. "I can't believe you're back!"
"I know!" I say enthusiastically. "Wini, I'm sorry about the fight. I really missed having a good fri-"
"Winifred! There you are, I got us some cookies!" A girl out age says. I don't know her, maybe a relative of Winifred's friend?
"Um... Thanks Whitney. This is Winter..." Winifred's voice trails off.
"Oh that friend you were talking about? Well the ex-friend now," Whitney says, putting the last part as a whisper.
"I have to go- bye!" I quickly said, then ran off. Wini made a new friend, replacing me. Great.
"Winter! Nic wants to FaceChat you!" Mom says from downstairs. I just took a shower, so I wrap my body in a towel.
"Coming!" I run down the carpeted steps to see Nics face on the computer.
"Hey Winter! Surprise, surprise!" Nic exclaims.
"Sorry, I just took a shower, that's why- you know," I say embarrassed.
"No need! I get it," Nic replies. "I wanted to talk to you. How is it going back in London?"
"Fine." I state, thinking about Wini. "It's just that-"
"It's just that what?" Nic asks.
"Winifred. Found a new friend," I whisper, pausing at "Winifred".
"Winter, I am so sorry, I wish I could be there!" Nic says. I pull my towel up my body, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "Hey, I am really sorry, my mom is calling me down for dinner," Nic tells me.
"But it's breakfast- oh right. Okay bye Nic!"
"Bye Winter."
Right now all I can think about is our kiss. I must see him again. But I don't know how I will get there.
"Winter! Come play with me!" Emeka begs.
"Alright." I get up from the computer, and play trucks with him.

Winter(a Bethany Mota fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now