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I studied my appearance in the mirror I had hanging on the wall. The dress was beautiful, the shoes were beautiful, my makeup looked amazing. I just wasn't feeling one hundred percent. 

It was a little past nine and Ethan still hasn't come up to get me. I opened my bedroom door and decided to go downstairs and look for him. I felt my freshly curled hair brush across my shoulders as I walked. 

"Hey, Alex-" Someone started from behind me, causing me to turn around. "Woah," Grayson's eyebrows furrowed and his eyes grew wider. I looked down at myself, then back at him.

"Did you need something?" I smiled lightly, trying not to make things weird. "Just wanted to let you know that I got an A on my history test." He smiled, making me happy.

"Aw! I'm so proud of you!" I said happily, walking closer to him. I know that will bring his grade up even more. 

"Thanks to you," He responded, his smile looked to be fading for some reason. "I should go," I spoke, pointing towards the stairs. "Yeah, wouldn't want to keep Ethan waiting," He gave me a brief smile, before walking back into his room. 

I nodded to myself and walked down the stairs carefully, I was in heels and I'm clumsy. I walked into the kitchen and looked around. I'm still not seeing him.

I looked over at the counter and saw a single white rose. I picked it up and looked at a note it had attached to it.

I opened it, there was an address written on it. It was also signed 'E' with a heart. I smiled then grabbed my keys. I didn't know I was going on a road trip to get to our date. 

It wasn't even an exact address, I might even have to hike a little. 


I got to the place the note said to. I parked my car along the side on a little path. As I walked in the dark, I saw a little clearing in the woods. 

I heard water flowing and I thought I saw a faint light sparkling. I walked closer and I felt my eyes go wide. There was a table set up in front of the little creek, lights surrounding it, and faint music playing in the background.

"You look absolutely stunning," I heard Ethan's voice appear from the shadows. He walked over towards the table with another flower.

I felt my eyes watering, just because of how beautiful this whole set up was. It was straight out of a romance novel, completely dream-worthy in fact.

Not to mention the man standing in front of me. Ethan was wearing a white button-up with a black jacket and dress pants. He looked absolutely handsome.

"You did all of this?" I walked over to him, still in a daze. "Yes," He responded, he sounded proud of himself. He should be.

"Ethan, it's beautiful." I looked up at his hazel eyes in amazement. "Well, you're literally perfect. Trying to plan the perfect date for the perfect girl seems impossible, but I decided to give it a go." He shrugged like it was no big deal, making me giggle.

I reached up and put my arms around him. I hugged him tightly, before feeling his arms fall around me too.

"One thing I can't say I did," He started while pulling away. "I bought your favorite food. I tried cooking it, but Ryan made me stop when I set the smoke detector off for the fifth time." He spoke, clearly embarrassed.

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