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I woke up early this morning, but I still haven't moved from my bed. On top of everything that has been going on, today is the day I hate most in the world. Why are birthdays even allowed to exist? They're just a reminder that your another year closer to death. Or another year deeper into this tragic story called life

Luna called me last night to tell me about my father. She had him buried in an undisclosed location so that Larce couldn't be Larce and do something horrible. I don't even know where he's buried myself. 

My phone began to ring causing me to roll over and grab it aggressively. I saw Hazel's name glowing in bright letters, along with our picture. It was both of us wearing Mortel jackets, posing beside each other. I really need to change that. 

"Hello?" I answered tiredly. "You better have something picked out to wear for tonight," She chirped on the other end, causing me to sit up slowly. Whatever she's trying to do, it's not happening. 

"For what exactly? My dad isn't having a funeral so I don't have to worry about picking out attire," I tried joking about it to mask the sinister reality of it all. 

"Alex-" She started, but I cut her off before she could give me one of her Hazel-like speeches. "It's okay, I didn't really know the guy anyway." I breathed out, pretending that made the whole thing any less awful.

"Where do you want these?" A voice asked behind her, causing me to furrow my brows, "Shhh! Over there!" She hushed the person, then whisper yelled at them.

"You can fight me all you want on this, but you won't win," She responded in her peppy voice. "It's an important age, Alex. You're eighteen now, give yourself a night to bask in anything besides E words and L words. Oh, and C words." She trailed off causing me to laugh at her. 

She might be overbearing sometimes, but I love her regardless. "Fine, just keep tonight's population to a minimum, please," I pleaded with her, but I knew what the outcome would be no matter what. 

"Wear a dress!" She ordered, before hanging up the phone abruptly, giving me no time to object. I set down my phone and leaned back on my headboard. Let's just get today over with.



I sat on the couch while Jackson and I played video games. "Why don't you just grow some balls and tell her how you feel?" Jackson spoke out of nowhere, causing me to send him one hell of a glare, before putting my focus back on the tv. 

"No matter how I feel it's obvious she's in love with Ethan. No matter how much he pushes her, it's like it makes her fall deeper," I responded in a defeated voice. I don't understand it.

I love my brother, and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt him. Minus punching him when he deserves it. 

It's not like I meant to feel things for her, I tried my absolute hardest to make her hate me. For some reason, she just has the need to see light even in the darkest places. 

I'm not my brother. I can't be Ethan. Right now he's just- he's just marching a one-man-band. He will come home eventually, and when he does I have a feeling things will pick up right where they left off. Despite the connection I feel me and Alex have made while he was gone. 

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